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I shut my laptop in the morning. I had unintentionally stayed up all night and it showed. A lot.

Going downstairs, I yawned.

Christi was down there and her light green eyes widened at the sight of me. "My God! You look like you were dragged through Hell and back again."

Another yawn escaped my mouth before I could say anything particularly snarky back at her.

"Okay." She hopped down from her stool at the kitchen counter where she had been reading. She turned me around and pushed me forward gently. "We're getting you to bed. You need to sleep."

I protested in a whine.

"Shush. I don't want to hear a word out of you." She carefully guided me back up the stairs.

"A word."

She chuckled. "I should've known you were going to say that."

We were back in my room and she sat me down on the bed. Grabbing my shut laptop off the bed, she walked over to the dresser and set it down, getting it out the way. She then pulled back the covers and then got me to go into the bed.

I was half asleep as it was so I practically crawled under the covers myself. It was either that or fall down and sleep on the floor. The bed sounded a tad bit more comfortable.

I mumbled a good night and drifted off to a much needed sleep, barely registering the bedroom door closing as she left.


When I woke up, it was dark.

Throwing my hair into a lazy ponytail to get it out of my face, I walked downstairs finding no one there.

Walking closer to the kitchen, I noticed there was a note on the counter.

It read:


We figured that you needed the sleep as you were up all last night. Since you were still sleeping when we left (we've gone to the festival and went to do some of the night activities), there's some leftovers in the fridge. You can just pop them into the microwave to heat it up. We should come back around 10pm.

Take care,

The Taylors

I smiled as I read the note and looked in the fridge for some food as I hadn't had any all day. Putting the leftovers in the oven, I checked my phone. I had three missed calls.

Two from Meg and one from Devin Winters.

I ignored the latter and rang up Meg.

She answered immediately, "Girl! Where were you? I was kinda worried."

I laughed and took the food out of the microwave. "Sorry. I was asleep all day. I just woke up actually."

"Whoa. Hold up!" She sounded shocked. "Who are you and what have you done with the real Miracle Eliza Winters? My best friend would never sleep in the day. That classifies as a nap to her and she doesn't do naps."

I laughed again. "Chill, I'm really here." I took a bite of the spaghetti I had warmed up for myself. "You know how you were talking about my writing and everything?" I asked her.


"Yeah, well, I kinda had an idea and it sorta got me writing. All night."

"No way!" She was beyond excited. "Finally!"

I could imagine her doing her victory dance.

"What was it that inspired you?" She asked, curious.

I shrugged. "Life, I guess."

"Hmm. Well, I can thank life, I suppose."


"Send me what you have so far." She told me.


She cut me off, "Miracle. I just want to check it out. I'm not going to edit it at all. I swear."

I blew out a breath, thinking. "Fine." I finally agreed. "But no editing yet. I'm not sure if I'm going to finish this one."

"And with this attitude, you won't. This attitude is never going to get you to finish anything you write, you understand me?"

I nodded, then realizing she couldn't see me, I verbalized my response, "Yeah, I do."

"Good. Now go kick some ass!" She told me, excited.

I blinked. "Meg. You're doing it again."

"Huh?" She asked me, completely confused.

"Life is not a thing that constantly needs a sports coach pep talk. Plus, the only ass I would be kicking is my own and I'd rather not."

I could practically hear her blinking on the other end and then she nervously laughed. "Heh, sorry. I got carried away with the pep talkiness."

"That isn't a word, Meg."

"Yes, it is! I said it, therefore making it a word." She argued.

I sighed, grinning. "Uh huh. Whatever makes you sleep at night, hon."


"Bye. I'll send what I have over to you in a couple minutes."

"Cool. Bye."

"Bye." I then hung up. If I hadn't, we would have just continued saying bye and no one would have hung up.

Getting up, I put my plate in the dishwasher after rinsing it off - as I had finished my food while talking to Meg - and went upstairs, sending Meg what I had for review and getting ready for the day. Err - night.

Putting shoes on, I grabbed an extra jacket in case I got too cold and walked outside, having wrote my own note saying that I had gone to the festival. Just in case they got home before I did.

Looking up, I saw the sky full of stars and grinned. It was beautiful, just like a bunch of other things in the town.

A pair of light green eyes and the sarcastic look that often was on the owner's face flashed in my mind and I shook my head, as if that was going to clear my mind. It did.


Accidental Christmas MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now