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Holiday music floated around in the background as Christi and I wandered around.

"Oh, let's go over there!" The excited blonde pointed and pulled me along before I could see where we were going.

Only when we got there did I realize what booth we were at.

It was a booth where all the things for sale were made from silverware. There was jewelry; earrings, bracelets, necklaces and rings. There were bookmarks and then there were decorations that you stick your garden or  lawn or whatever.

The wind blew a bit, making me wrap me arms around myself and moving a couple of the spoon handle wind chimes, making them clink together and create a pretty noise.

I smiled despite myself.

Christi was looking at the rings, trying them on carefully, flinching when she dropped one. It hit a different ring, making a sharp clink and rolled off the table, clattering onto the ground.

I reached down to grab it for at the same time as she did and we hit our heads.

"Sorry!" I immediately apologized though neither of us was really at fault. I quickly scooped up the ring as she rubbed her head where my head had hit hers and offered it to her.

She smiled and took it. "Thanks. Sorry about hitting you." She said, turning back to the booth where the older couple that ran it smiled at us.

Christi ended up buying that ring as it fit perfectly and she actually quite liked the design. It swirled around her finger, one end being thicker than the other but that was to be expected when it was a utensil handle.

"Where to next?" She asked me in a cheerful mood.
She was adorable when she was happy.

I felt my cheeks warm at the realization that I thought that. Thankfully, she didn't notice.

Dot came into view with a pretty black haired girl.

The only funny thing was how much shorter she was than him. He was probably about 5'8-ish because he was taller than me at 5'6 and she came to about his shoulder.

Christi instantly brightened up more. "Jules!" She hugged the girl who then laughed.

"You act like you don't see me almost every day." Jules told her. She looked at me and smiled. "And you must be the girl who is staying at the Taylor's place til your car is fixed."

I nodded. "My name's Miracle. Nice to meet you." I stuck my hand out but then felt foolish for doing so.

Jules shook it anyways. "Oh, so polite! I love you already. I'm Julia but you can call me Jules." She grinned at me.

I smiled back.

"She's Meg's friend. Remember Meg?" Christi asked Jules.

She nodded. "She's the wacky but energetic neighbor of yours, right? The one that would always scold Dot on drinking too much hot cocoa when she came over?" She responded with a question.

Dot nodded. "Yeah."

"Anyways, we - well - more I than Dot,  were just showing Miracle around the Winter festival." Christi explained to Jules.

"Ooh, have you been to the snowman building contest yet? Or ice skating? Or had snow cones? Or-" She started asking me but got cut off Dot.

"Hold it, Jules. Don't overwhelm the poor girl." He told her.

"Oops. Sorry! I just love this time of year and the activities to go with it." She explained to me. "Anyways, we should totally go to the snow building contest. Dot and I will beat you two so bad!" She grabbed our hands and pulled us along with her, Dot tagging behind us.

"Yeah, we will!" Dot added enthusiastically.

Christi laughed. "Sure. When's the last time you two won, Dot? I can't seem to remember." She asked him.

"That's because we haven't yet." He sighed.

Jules chimed in. "But this is the year! I can feel it!"

Christi rolled her eyes, grinning. "That's what you say every year, Jules."

Jules shrugged. "Whatever. It doesn't mean it's not gonna come true." She was unfazed by all of Christi's sarcastic comments and teasing.

As we were pulled along - or followed along in Dot's case - to the snowman building contest, sarcastic comments were provided by Christi, enthusiasm provided by Jules and comments defending himself from Christi's sarcastic ones provided by Dot, I smiled thinking about how lucky I was to have crashed into a town filled with nice and wonderful people.

Accidental Christmas MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now