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I swung our hands all the way to the next place, enjoying the sun but made sure I didn't blind myself by using sunglasses. I let Miracle use an extra pair that I—weirdly enough—had.

I had Miracle look at her charm bracelet before we left, letting her guess what charm was for the next place we were going. Since I had already told her it was for lunch, she figured it out pretty fast.

It was a little pizza charm. Fitting for somewhere that had great pizza and I knew a place that did.

Well, obviously I did. I wouldn't have put a pizza charm on the bracelet if I didn't.

When we walked up to the little restaurant and Miracle saw the name, she excitedly jumped up and down, letting go of my hand.

"Di Angelo's pizza! From the first night." She said, grinning from ear to ear.

I laughed. "I didn't expect you to get that excited over Di Angelo's pizza." I told her, making her face become a little pink. "But, yes. Di Angelo's pizza from the first night. Now you can see whose pizza is better." I then held the door open for her. "After you, milady."

She giggled at my statement and went in, looking around as she entered the restaurant.

Following her, I waited with her to be seated, sitting next to her on the bench provided, as it was actually quite busy.

The bench was not made for comfort, unfortunately, which made me shift in my seat multiple times. However, this also allowed me to sneak looks at Miracle while we were waiting. Not in a creepy way though.

The inside of the restaurant seemed to fascinate her, strengthening my previous belief that she was uncultured in the food aspect.

Did city people only order food?

I'm kidding. I know that people that live in the city—which is a category that Miracle would fit into—eat out in restaurants too.

"It's so cozy." She told me having leaned over towards me to say that in a hushed voice. That almost made me laugh.

"You don't have to whisper in here, darling, it's not a library." I teased her, grinning. "But, yeah, it is pretty cozy." I agreed with her.

Shortly after saying that, we were led back to our booth and although I would've loved to sit next to Miracle, I sat across from her to even out the sides. One person on each side. At least now I don't have to turn my head to look at her.

This won't be the last time I say it and I'm pretty sure it isn't the first time I say it but Miracle was pretty. I don't mean in a superficial way, I mean it as she's pretty in every way that I could think of. How her eyes lit up when she was excited over something, how she only said hot chocolate instead of hot cocoa, and how she was simply adorable without even trying.

After we got situated, a waiter came over. "Hi, I'm--oh, Christmas! And her friend." A familiar voice said.

I looked up to see TJ standing there, wiggling his eyebrows at me, glancing over at Miracle. I lightly blushed at his implication.

He stopped the second Miracle looked up. She immediately narrowed her eyes at him. Had she seen him doing the weird thing with his eyebrows? Although, I'm not exactly sure why she would get mad at him for that. She's not really like that.

"Have I met you before?" She asked him. "I feel like I have seen you before." That must be what the look was for, I realized—the fact she couldn't quite place where she had first seen him.

TJ chuckled, almost nervously. "Yeah, you have. Except...you were much less sober than you are now." He explained.

Miracle's eyes widened, suspicion long gone and in its place, worry. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry if I did anything embarrassing." She apologized though she didn't need to.

Accidental Christmas MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now