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Giving Gabriel his glasses back, I asked who that was.

"Darien Thompson. He's only two years older but thinks he's the king of the world." Gabriel explained to me.

"How long has this," I made a motion indicating what had just happened. "Been happening?"

He shrugged. "Long enough?"

"Gabriel." I frowned. "I'm assuming you didn't tell anyone?"

He shook his head. "No. It wouldn't of done anything."

I shook my head. "That isn't true. If you don't tell anyone, it's just going to continue to happen." I turned back towards the store and saw the rest of the Taylor children there plus Jules.

I didn't really want to talk to them after they probably saw what happened and were bound to ask questions on why I did what I did. "Hey," I looked at Gabriel. "I'm going to look around. See you later." After I said that, I quickly walked away.

In middle school, I had a friend that was bullied terribly. She was picked on for the clothes she wore - they apparently being too childish. I had done nothing and it bugged me throughout the years. I guess I was scared that if I tried sticking up for her that they would come after me. It was a stupid excuse but I thought it was a good enough one.

I wandered around, people watching, with no end destination in mind. My feet led me to a store that had odds and ends and I smiled.

Back at home, we had one of these stores and this is where most of my Christmas gifts that I gave out would come from. I liked to give something with a personal touch to it, rather than handing someone a gift card or a something un-special.

Running my hand against a rack of clothes, I could feel the different textures and the softness of the fabric. While I did that, I looked on the wall that was covered in books. They were the older types, hymnals and old, worn out classics. Moby Dick and A Christmas Carol was two I could clearly see.

Moving away from the books and clothes, I turned towards a jewelry section with the most colorful selection. Marveling over the colors and wide variety, I ran my finger along a couple of the necklace charms - if that was the right word - feeling the coolness of the metal.

One in particular caught my eye. It was a light spiral-y charm that was in a shape that reminded me of a pair of earrings that Meg had. Picking it up, I held it up closer to the light and saw that it was, in fact, practically identical to Meg's earrings.

Taking the necklace with me, I roamed around the rest of the store. Seeing a Christmas cookbook that I thought Sandy would like, I added that to my items I was to buy along with a cute mug that had a picture of a marshmallow thinking that he should listened to his mom when she said that he would melt that I thought Dot would love. You know, with his hot chocolate obsession and everything.

Buying those three things, I felt like I had accomplished something and headed back towards Christi's truck when I realized that they probably weren't ready to go yet and I didn't want them to have to go back just on account of me.

Although we had originally just come for the note hiding, I had a feeling that they wanted to go around town and maybe up to the festival before the day ended.

I was content with walking though, however cold it was. Since there was no one to talk to, I walked in silence, hearing my shoes crunch the snow and the bag of three presents rustle some as I walked.

About fifteen minutes later, I was home - well - at the Taylor's home.

The moment I stepped in, Sandy looked up at me from a book she was reading at the kitchen counter and then started fussing over me. "Did you walk all the way here? Oh, darling, you shouldn't of!"

I shook my head. "It's fine. The others were somewhere in town and I didn't want to disturb their day." I told her.

She took her turn to shake her head at me. "It wouldn't of been a problem." Sandy said.

Right then, her phone rang. She gave me an apologetic look and answered it. After chatting with the person for a bit, she hung up and told me the news.

"Your car will be done in the next two days." She informed me.

I smiled. "That's great."

She nodded and handed me a mug she had gotten ready for me. "Is there something you would like to talk about?" She asked me.

I took the mug and hesitated before nodding.

She pulled out a chair for me at the counter and waited for me to speak, taking a sip of her drink and sliding her book aside.

"It has to do with Gabriel."

Accidental Christmas MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now