𝐢𝐢. The Sixteenth Division Commander, Izo

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"Iʼll take care of it."

He held his hand out for you to hold and you took it after staring at it for a while. Izo lead you to the large bathroom of the Moby Dick. He grabbed a small chair for you to sit on and turned on the warm water. He removed your clothes, careful not to touch certain parts and some of the bruises on your body. He lifted you to the bathtub and let you relax inside the warm water before pouring some of the water on your hair. He lifted the sleeves of his kimono and grabbed a bottle of shampoo and poured a little amount on his hand before scrubbing it gently to your hair.

"You should close your eyes. The shampoo can hurt your eyes if some poured inside." He said. Even though you canʼt see him clearly, you can feel the presence of his smile.

He is a nice guy. You thought before closing your eyes. He continued to scrub your head lightly and proceeded to grab the soap. He dipped it onto the water to make it slippery and bubbly before scrubbing your body.

While bathing, a knock interrupted Izo. He washed his hands and walked to the door to open it. "Oh Thatch, what can I help you?" He asked. The said guy was holding a clean white shirt and handed it to Izo. "Haruta said to give you this. Itʼs for the kid. He said itʼll be a bit long and oversized for them. But we could just buy them some necessary items they need as soon as we land onto the next island."

"Thanks." He took the shirt from Thatch and gave him a smile before closing the door and continued to bath you.

After getting dressed, everyone was called to the dining hall of the Moby Dick. It was already lunch and they started to eat, enjoying the food that was prepared by their ship cook and his division members. While eating, you were still beside Izo whoʼs teaching you to how use silverware as you eat. He would still feed you if you are having a hard time holding them. The other division commanders were watching quietly, the cute sight making them blush lightly. They knew that you would be close to Izo first. They turned away from the sight, a determined look replacing the pink blush from their faces. They will try their best to get close to you too.

After lunch, the cross dressing man lead you to your room that was prepared earlier after the captain had announced the new member of the crew. You looked around in awe and immediately jumped onto the soft bed. Izo chuckled. "Iʼll leave you for now. If you need something, donʼt be afraid to ask the other members. Iʼll come back to call you for dinner. For now, you should rest." He closed the door and left after leaving a soft smile.

You laid down on your bed and heaved a sigh, a smile slowly forming on your lips. A pirate, huh? Maybe that wouldnʼt be so bad.

To be continued . . .

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