𝐱𝐯𝐢. Comfort

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"What were they doing up there?"


The Moby Dick had docked into a deserted island, a perfect place where they could leave Teach. Crew members carried the said unconcious man outside the ship, leaving him in the middle of the land and plan to immediately go back to the ship.

You were about to hop onto the land when a rather large hands, stopped you. You looked up at Jozu with a confused look. "Weʼre only docking the ship to leave something here." The man stated.

"What about Izo-san?" You asked with an unnoticeable pout on your lips. Izo had went into the island with the others along with Ace, Haruta, Namur, and a couple of their division members. It didnʼt feel right without Izo by your side, and Thatch was also nowhere to be seen.

"Donʼt worry, Y/N. Theyʼll be back soon." The light smile had disappeared on his face as shadow loomed over his eyes. "They just needed to disregard a trash." As soon as he said that, the atmosphere inside the ship had become tense. You looked around worriedly as crew members wore the same expression as Jozu, including Whitebeard and Marco.

Did something happened while I was gone? You didnʼt know.

"Weʼre back." Aceʼs voice resounded through the deck, breaking the defeaning silence that covered the ship. You immediately ran to Izoʼs side, grabbing his pink kimono as you only barely reached his hips. The male geisha gave your head a light pat as he smiled softly.

"Uhm, Did something happen?" You nervously asked. Whitebeard released a sigh. "Your brother had betrayed us, Y/N. Teach has. And I feel disappointed both in him and myself."

You knew who Teach was. Although, the two of you barely talk to each other, you knew Teach was a friendly guy who also had dreams that are nearly impossible to reach. Luffy was also the same guy as him. But the two were also different in many ways, now that the whole crew told you what had happened between him and Thatch. You looked down in sorrow as you found out that Thatch had been heavily injured because of Teach and is now resting inside Curielʼs infirmary. You plan to visit him later, as you thought on how to comfort the crew for now.

You looked at Whitebeard who had spoken again after releasing another sigh. "I feel disappointed at him for doing that to his brother and for almost breaking the silver rule that any family, pirate crew, marines, and revolutionaries in this world held. But I am also disappointed in myself, wondering if I did anything wrong in raising him to become that person who we left in that island. I had feared that this day would come, a day where you will all leave your father and this family."

"Pops . . ." The others were getting emotional, tears flowing out of there eyes and snot uncontrollably flowing out of their noses. "We will never leave you! Weʼve always been grateful to you for taking us in as your sons!"

"Thatʼs right!"

"We all love you, Pops!"

The last comment made Whitebeard laugh lightly, but also happy as it made him soft in the heart. "Thatʼs sappy."

"But weʼre serious!"

Releasing a sigh of relief, you smiled at everyone in the ship who was now crying their heart out. It made you tear up a bit, but you quickly wiped it away.

A family, huh?

To be continued . . .

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