𝐢𝐱. Name

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"Then letʼs give ʼem one!"

Everyone in the ship went silent but shouted in joy soon after. The Whitebeard and Straw Hat crew laughed and smiled as they thought of a name for you. Large hands suddenly wrapped around your small body and before you knew it, you were on Whitebeardʼs lap. You looked up at him as he gave you a smile. You returned it and looked down at the crew members.

"Hey pops, what about Ukogi?" Ace suggested. "If you're hungry donʼt involve the little kid!" Thatch smacked the fire user while Luffy just laughed beside him. The pom-pom man walked out of the kitchen with two plates of rice balls and placed it infront of the two.

[ukogi- riceball]


"Doesnʼt suit them."




"A little more."

"How about Y/N? It does suit their wonderful features after all YOHOHOHOHO~" All of them turned to the laughing skeleton, Brook. All of the people onboard agreed, including Whitebeard and you who smiled widely at the given name.

"I love it!" You exclaimed happily, swaying your feet in joy. "So Y/N it is then!" The straw hat captain smiled too. The two pirate crew hang out for a while, as they got invited for your name celebration. The sun had set and it was time for them to return to Thousand Sunny.

"Letʼs see each other again! Gramps! Ace!" Luffy waved his hand as he stood at the top of Sunnyʼs head. You suddenly stood up on Jozuʼs shoulders and waved your hands. "Thank you!" You shouted as you watched them slowly disappear, sailing through the other part of the sea.

Jozu crouched down and you got down from his shoulder. You thanked him and gave him a smile. Jozu blushed a little and smiled back. You head your way towards Izo, walking past the drunk and passed out crewmates. He smiled and held your hand, walking inside the ship with you. "Had a lot of fun today, Y/N?" He asked in which you nodded, eyes glinting at the mention of your name.

Izo chuckled, "I can see that." You entered your room with the cross-dressing man and helped you changed your clothes and tucked you to bed after. "Good night, Y/N, sweetheart. Sleep well." He switched off the lights and closed the door on his way out.

After putting you to bed, he checked the passed out crew members on the deck and they seemed to be fine, knowing theyʼll just wake up with a hangover tomorrow. He went up the crowʼs nest and checked the sea surrounding the Moby Dick, making sure there are no dangers lurking by the water. He went to his bed and drifted off the sleep.

Meanwhile, a marine ship was spotted alone, far away enough from the Moby Dick. They were planning on abducting you from the Whitebeard Pirates in the middle of the night where everyone had drifted off to their dreamland. The marine officers that was onboard the said ship, were spying on you from the very start. "Attack them and get the little kid onboard their ship." Ordered the Captain of the marine ship.

To be continued . . .

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