𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. Straw Hat Luffy

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Iʼll definitely tell Izo about this.

And after a few minutes, Izo came who was dragged by Thatch. The cross-dressing man was about to smack the ship cook but stopped at the sight infront of him. "Arenʼt they cute?" Thatch awed. "It would when theyʼre not half-naked." Izo twitched his eye and carried you on his arms. He placed his hand on your head and fished out his gun and pulled the trigger. It shot the space between the two fire userʼs head making them wake up from the loud sound of the gun. "Wake up you two!" Izo growled. Ace and Marco hurriedly stood up in fear. "Yes maʼam!"

"And get dressed!" Izo smacked their clothes on their faces and stormed out with you in his arms. Thatch sweat-dropped from the commotion and released a sigh. It was really cute though. He thought and went back to the kitchen. The two commanders was left at the back and looked at each other. "What happened?" They asked.

As the two went back to their places, Ace noticed a pirate ship with a familiar pirate flag. Before he could even recognize who the pirate flag belonged to, he heard a familiar voice shouting his name. "ACE!" A wide smile appeared on the said man and shouted back. "LUFFY!" He waved.

"Gomu Gomu No Rocket!"

A man wearing a straw hat suddenly flew on Ace and hugged him, laughing at the same time. Meanwhile, a certain orangette navigator from the manʼs ship panicked as she shouted her captainʼs name. All of the crew members of the Whitebeard Pirates slowly showed up on the deck to see what the commotion was about. "What is this about, my son?" Whitebeard asked behind Ace. "Pops! This is my brother, Luffy." He smiled, putting an arm around Luffyʼs shoulders. "Yo! Iʼm gonna be the King of Pirates!" He smiled confidently.

"King of Pirates, huh? Youʼre pretty confident about yourself, brat." Whitebeard laughed. Meanwhile, the Straw Hat Piratesʼ ship, Thousand Sunny, was slowly approaching the Moby Dick. "Permission to come aboard?!" Their navigator, Nami, asked. "Permission granted!" Jozu replied. The other eight members of the Straw Hat Pirates climbed up to the deck and greeted the other crew members and the two pirate crew hang out for a while. Izo and Nami talking about how they were done with their other members, Thatch and Sanji competing on who cooks the best and Ace and Luffy being their judges, Vista and Zoro talking about blades and swords, Chopper reading the medical books from the Moby Dickʼs infirmary, Jozu, Franky and Brook having a normal conversation and so as Marco and Robin, and Haruta and Ussop sharing pranks with each other.

You woke up in your room and yawned as you rub your eyes. You got up from your bed and the first thing that went onto your mind was find either Izo or Thatch. You walked up to the deck and it seemed like a party. You spot nine unfamiliar people among the crew members having a chat with the commanders. Robin had noticed you and asked Marco if you were a new member. He nodded and the two walked towards you. Robin kneeled down infront of you to reach your height and smiled. "Whatʼs your name?" She asked. You immediately hid behind thd blonde man. "They donʼt have a name yet, yoi." Marco scratched his nape.

"Then letʼs give ʼem one!" Luffy suddenly blurted as the three didnʼt notice the attention that they had attracted.

To be continued . . .

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