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We got our clothes on and went on our phones as the guys walked in.
Jack:"We brought food" He sang as he came in the door walking to the kitchen. Corbyn and I got up and my legs started shaking and I was limping.
Jonah:"Are you ok Ry?"
Ryleigh:"Ya,why?" I knew exactly why but I'm not telling anyone about this not even my mom.
Jonah:"No reason." We all sat down at the dining table and I sat beside Corbyn no one else was beside us so he put his hand on my thigh as we started eating. Corbyn moved his hand higher and higher until he reached my zipper. He started to unzip them but I stopped him quickly and pushed his hand away as Zach got upp from the table.
Corbyn:"We should watch a movie."
Jonah:"Harry Potter."
Everyone except Jonah:"NO." He rolled his eyes and we went to the movie room. Corbyn and I sat in the back alone while everyone else sat in front of us. Zach put the kissing booth on and Corbyn put a blanket over us he put his arms around my shoulders and looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back and put my hand on his chest and my head on his shoulder. All the guys were into the movie and not paying attention to me and Corbyn. I moved my hand down from his chest to his zipper and unzipped his pants and started pumping his dick. He leaned his head back and rolled his eyes in pleasure. I got of my seat and got on my knees. Corbyn looked at me with wide eyes expecting me not to do it but I did anyways. He groaned a few times but the other guys were to into the movie to noticed.
Corbyn:"Ry-Ryleigh,I'm about t-to cum." He whispered but no one heard. Before he could I got up and back in my seat watching the movie with a smirk on my face. Corbyn looked at me a little frustrated but zipped his pants up anyway. The movie ended and I sadly had to go back home. I hugged all the guys bye but hugged Corbyn a little longer. I let go and went and got in Zachs car with him following. He started the car and started driving.
Zach:"So what did you and Corbyn do while we were gone?"
Ryleigh:"Just talked."
Ryleigh:"None of you business." He rolled his eyes and kept driving. I was think about Corbyn the whole time. We got home and walked in. Zach and my parents talked a bit and then he came up to my room to tell me bye.
Zach:"You want me to pick you up in the morning and you can spend the day with us?"
Ryleigh:"Ya,if you don't mind."
Zach:"You know I don't,you're my favorite sister." I laughed and hugged him goodbye and he left. I felt bad for not telling him but he's Zach he gets a temper when anyone messes with his siblings in any way and who knows what he would do to Corbyn. But I cant wait to spend tomarrow with my brother and Corbyn. I don't know what to call us yet other than friends with benifits becuase I'm not his girlfriend yet and I hope I'm not just a hookup because I want more with Corbyn. I want to get married to him have kids with him and just spend the rest of our lives together if it's possible but I don't know how he feels. I fall asleep thinking about Corbyn and excited for tomarrow.

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