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I sat in the bed and waited on Corbyn to come back in his room.I was waiting for about 5 minutes and was already boared.I layed under the blankets and looked around his room nothing changed except there was a picture frame on his dresser and nightstand and it had a picture of us in it I smiled and closed my eyes drifting off to sleep but not completely.

I looked at Jonah mad because he just ruined our moment like Zach did in Hawii.
Corbyn:"Dude I just got her back and that could've been a chance-."
Jonah:"To what get back together or have sex in the kitchen were we eat,or upstairs where a baby is present. I want you guys together to,your endgame and I want it to work out for you guys to because your like my little brother and I don't like seeing you hurt. Go TALK to her." He emphized talk to get the point across.  I walk upstairs to my room and see Ryleigh asleep. I queitly walk over to the bed and get in beside cuddling next to her so she doesn't get cold or for my comfort or whatever. I put my arm around her waist and she intertwined her fingers with mine.
Corbyn:"I love you and I'm going to show you that every day of my life." I whispered to her. I thought she was asleep but I guess she wasn't fully asleep yet.
Ryleigh:"I love you to and I plan on showing how much I do very soon." She said pecking my lips and rolling back over. What does she mean by that,surely she doesn't mean by having sex,which I'm ok with but when would we be alone long enough to do so. I kept thinking about it but eventually fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning in Corbyn's arms. I missed this,I rolled over so I was facing him and hid my face in his chest. Jonah came up the stairs meaning he had breakfast ready downstairs. I hear him wake each of the boys up one by one and he got to Corbyn's room. He walked in and I looked up at him.
Ryleigh:"I got it." I whispered and he nodded and closed the door walking out. I look at Corbyn and he seems so peacful when he's sleeping and I really don't want to wake him but we are moving in to our apartment today so he has to get up.
Ryleigh:"Corbyn,wake up." No answer.
Ryleigh:"Come on bean we have to get up and get ready to go to the apartment." He just groaned and rolled over on his back. He leaves me no choice. I kissed his chest up to his neck and left a hickey. I know it wasn't the smartest way because he woke up and flipped me on my back.
Corbyn:"Why did you do that?"
Ryleigh:"To wake you up." I said with a small smirk on my face.
Corbyn:"You shouldn't have done that." He said and kissed me. I rolled him over so that I was straddling his waist and he was leaning agaist his headboard. He threw my shirt off and kissed my neck down to my chest and then someone opened the door.
Jonah:"I said wake him up not fuck him." He said turning around. I got up and grabbed Corbyn's shirt and put it on.
Ryleigh:"You just love ruining moments don't you Jo?"
Jonah:"Sorry but your baby is here and we're eating and you know Jack would say something and Zach would kill Corbyn." I rolled my eyes and went to get Bailey and walked downstairs and ate breakfast with the guys. After that we got our stuff and went to the apartment and started unpacking our stuff. It felt right to be moving in with Corbyn not going to lie and this way he can be with Bailey everyday and he wouldn't have to leave the house to do so. But we also agreed we weren't going to date until I was 18 but I know something is going on now and we don't know what to do.

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