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I woke up and seen Ryleigh was asleep beside me and Bailey was still asleep on my chest. I smiled and Jack walked in. I guess he thought I was still asleep because I closed my eyes again.
Jack:"Such a cute little family." What the hell was he talking about? I turned my head slowly to face him since he walked to the kitchen and spoke up.
Corbyn:"What are you talking about?" He turned his body slowly to face me with a shocked expression on his face.
Jack:"Ha well-um-ya see-nothing,nothing at all." I get up slowly and gently lay Bailey in the playpen not waking her up and step over Zach and walk over to him.
Corbyn:"Jack." I said looking at him seriously.
Jack:"Look Corbyn it's not my place to say anything,I thought you were asleep,so just ask Ryleigh not me."
Corbyn:"You obviously know something I don't so please enlighten me Jack." He didn't answer me and I got pissed off and walked outside and sat watching the cars go down the road.
Corbyn:"When were you going to tell me?" I ask her turning back to look at her with tears in both of our eyes.
Ryleigh:"I was going to tell you but I don't know what Zach would've done if we told him."
Corbyn:"I don't care what he would've done because I loved you and I still do but I wasn't there for the appoinments or the birth and I wish I was."
Ryleigh:"Well you haven't missed her first steps or her first words."
Corbyn:"You guys live here I live in LA,how is that going to work?"
Ryleigh:"I've been thinking about getting an apartment in LA,you can move in or visit whenever and we don't have to date you just live there for her."
Corbyn:"But what if I want to date?"
Ryleigh:"Well we would have to wait until I'm 18 so we don't have to breakup again and so Zach doesn't disown me as his sister and hate you."
Corbyn:"Ok I like that." I said leaning in about to kiss her and she did the same but we quickly pulled away when Zach came running trough the door.
Zach:"Kay wants me back!!" I looked at him then back Ryleigh and rolled my eyes. I love Zach because he's like a brother to me but him and Kay have this off and on relationship for awhile and everytime they break up it's because she's cheating on him or something happens and he's completly broken this has been happening more often here lately and he's stupid for going back to her everytime because she loses fans and then the second they get back together she has more. I know deep down Zach knows she's using him but he's to blinded by love to relize that or hasn't yet because well it's Zach.
Corbyn:"Zach buddy are you sure you want to go through all that again?"
Zach:"Corbyn she didn't mean she was drunk and I wasn't there and besides she said the guy was the one to make the first move and she thought it was me"
Corbyn:"Sure." I mumbled under my breath and Ryleigh and I walked back in and talked about how we would do things in LA and I held Bailey close the whole time making up for the last two months. I just met her and I'm already in love and I know that I will protect her with everything in me and no boy is breaking her heart and that's a promise I'm keeping until I'm put in the grave.

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