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I wake up at 7 knowing Zach won't be here until 8 or 9. I get ready and put on a chain that I stole from Zach and went down for breakfast.
Ryan:"So you seeing anyone?" I panicked and didn't know what to say.
Ryleigh:"No because all 16 year old boys want sex. They don't want to just go to the damn movies they want to make the whole 50 Shades movies staring them so no fucking way." What has gotten into me I've never cussed in my life or even talked to anyone about sex.
Joah:"Ryleigh Lynn!!"
Reese:"What's sex?"
Ryan:"Just ask Zach." As soon as Ryan said that Zach walked through the door.
Zach:"Ask Zach what?"
Ryleigh:"Nothing can we just go now please."
Zach:"Sure." We went and got in his car and drove to the house. I was greeted by all the boys with a hug and after they pulled away Corbyn still had his arm around me.
Daniel:"Um dude."
Corbyn:"What she's my best friend."
Jonah:"Best friends don't do that."
Corbyn:"Oh then what are Zach and Jack?"
Jack:"Jackary bro." I rolled my eyes and walked to the couch and put my head in my hands. I feel the couch dip beside me and the smell of Corbyn's colgne fills my nose as he pulls me into a hug.
Corbyn:"What's wrong love?"
Ryleigh:"Just a rough morning."
Corbyn:"You want to talk about it?"
Ryleigh:"Not really."
Corbyn:"We go up to my room and cuddle and watch movies."
Ryleigh:"Ok." I say and we get up and walk to his room. He gives me the remote to pick a movie while he goes and gets snacks. The boys won't think it's weird that we're watching movies alone because this is normal for us besides the cuddling thing that's new but I like it but we just can't get caught. Corbyn and I had watched 2 movies before we both fell asleep and woke up to his phone ringing.
Corbyn:"Hello? Ok see you guys when you get back."
Ryleigh:"The guys?"
Corbyn:"Ya." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and laying his head on my chest. I play with his hair as he hums a song but I can't tell what it is. We start drifting back to sleep when we hear a door open. We jump up and go downstairs and see Caspry the boys tour photographer standing in front of us.
Caspry:"Where are the other four?"
Caspry:"When will they get back?"
Corbyn:"Daniel said soon,why?"
Caspry:"So before we drop the album we are going live to sign cds and sell them."
Corbyn:"No way dude that's awsome."
Ryleigh:"I'm proud of you boys."
Corbyn:"Oh shut up they haven't heard you yet." I looked at him confused about what he's talking about. Caspry went outside to make some phone calls and it Corbyn and I sat on the couch. He leaned in to kiss me and I kissed him back he slipped his tongue in my mouth and explored every inch. He went to pull me in his lap and as soon as he did the boys came in.
Jack:"What's up sleepy heads."
Ryleigh:"What kind of drug are you on?"
Jack:"Same one as you."
Jack:"It's love."
Zach:"You scared the shit out of me idiot." I rolled my eyes and went to sit back down but stood back up as it hit me.
Ryleigh:"Jack what do you mean by that."
Jack:"Oh I'm not in love I was just joking around but about you I heard Ryan and Zach's conversation earlier someone lost their v-card."
Ryleigh:"You lost yours and you still wear shirts that say virginity rocks. And how does Ryan know?"
Zach:"Oh come on he's your twin and he knows you better than anyone. And besides you were probably showing it anyway especially if he railed the fuck out you which if he did I'm going to beat his ass." I see Corbyn's eyes widen a bit and him gulp.
Ryleigh:"Ok you were the one who lied to mom and said you were waiting until marrige and told her you and Kay broke up again and you lost your v-card at 17 to Kay and you guys are back together." He stared at me as if I just made out with Corbyn right in front of him which wouldn't be so bad but you get the point.
Zach:"You lied to everyone about your depression and hid the fact that you were hurting your self for 5 months until I found out not to mention you lied to mom and dad about the real reason you and Josh broke up." Tears started to fall from my face and I turn around and run to Corbyn's room and lock the door and just lay there and cry on the bed.

Corbyn:"What the fuck is wrong with you Zach?"
Zach:"She's my sister and she knows not to say that kind of shit."
Corbyn:"Doesn't give you the right to bring up something from the past that obviously hurts her."
Zach:"Why are you so worried and invested in my sister here lately?"
Corbyn:"Because I fucking love her!!!!!" He looked at me like he was going to kill me a side I have never seen on Zach.
Zach:"You what?"
Corbyn:"As my best friend, I meant I love her as my best friend."
Zach:"Are you screwing my little sister?" He raised his voice getting closer to me.
Corbyn:"N-no Zach st-stop your scaring me." He says getting closer to me as I back up against the wall and I can't go anywhere.
Zach:"Good you should be because I will fucking kill you if you lay another hand on my sister do not talk to her ever again."
Corbyn:"She has rights you know she and I can do whatever we want." He punched me and we started fighting. None of us have ever fought like this. Jonah and Jack pulled us apart bloody and bruised and Zach popped his shoulder back in place and walked away. I walked upstairs and knocked on my door to see if Ryleigh would let me in. She didn't answer and it scared me so I kicked the door open to see her asleep on my bed her eyes were red and puffy and she had tear stains on her cheeks. I went and cleaned up and locked my door,took my shirt off and cuddled next to her and went to sleep peacfully in pain with her in my arms because this could be the last time I see her because Zach will go to every limit to keep us apart.

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