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When I walk in the house they are screaming at eachother and Kay grabs a vase and is about to throw it at Zach when I push him out of the way falling on the ground beside him.
Kay:"We're over Zach and we are never getting back together."
Zach:"Fine by me,don't text me saying you miss me either." He yells back at her getting off the ground.
Zach:"What!?!?" I've seen Zach pretty mad like the time he almost killed Corbyn but he was madder than that night he went up to his room and slamed the door I jumped due to the sudden loud noise breaking the silence.
Corbyn:"Ryleigh,are you ok?" He said as him and Jonah came running in holding Bailey in his arms.
Ryleigh:"Ya I'm fine but I don't think Zach is."
Jonah:"Please tell me they're over." I nodded and Jonah seemed happy but also upset and I understood why. I mean Kay made Zach happy once but for the past few months he's been upset or pissed or both so them breaking up is only better for him. I grab Bailey from Jonah and walk out to my car.
Corbyn:"Can I ride with you?"
Ryleigh:"What about Jo?"
Corbyn:"He's gonna stay with Zach just in case Zach decides to go to a club he's here to stop him." I smiled and we got in the car. I was driving and Corbyn sat in the passenger seat,he looked back and seen Bailey fast asleep and then put his hand on my thigh. I felt butterflies flutter throughout my stomach but kept my eyes on the road. I glanced over and seen Corbyn smirking slightly looking out the window,what does he think he's gonna do I'm driving and there is a kid in the car. He moved his hand higher and higher up to the zipper on my jeans and turned and looked at me. I glanced over at him and then back at the road. He put his hand a little higher than were he had orginally had it and leaned over to my ear.
Corbyn:"What do you say we make a detour and drop Bailey off at Daniel's for the night?" He whispered in my ear in a very low tone sending chills down my spine.
Ryleigh:"We could." I said back looking quickly over at him smiling and then put my eyes back on the road and drove to Daniel's house. We knocked on the door and Daniel answered.
Daniel:"Oh hey guys-."
Corbyn:"Ya ya here is Bailey."
Ryleigh:"And here's her diper bag,don't bother us unless it's an emergency or urgent. Thanks bye." We said running back to the car and driving back to our apartment.

I was sitting on the couch on my phone when I heard a knock on the door. When I answered it Ryleigh and Corbyn were standing there and practically threw thier child at me and quickly left.
Daniel:"Don't bother them unless it's urgent or an emergancy,what do I look like a nanny to them." I said to myslef. I've only been around Bailey when I was with Ryleigh and Corbyn but never by myself. And what are they doing that is so important that they can't handle her.
Christan:"Who was that?"
Daniel:"Corbyn and Ryleigh."
Tyler:"What did they want?" He said coming out of his room.
Daniel:"I don't know but they dropped Bailey off and sped off,why would they do that though?"
Christan:"Poor Dani."
Christan:"They're gonna have long,hard sex and they don't want the baby there."
Daniel:"Oh my God,we can't tell Zach he'll try to kill Corbyn again and he'll probably succeed this time." I said slowly sitting down on the couch with the sleeping baby in my arms and ended up falling asleep myself,I love little kids and how sweet they are or how they can't pronounce words. Lavender wasn't as small as Bailey is and I didn't really watch Lav and this made me just want kids more but I need a loving and caring wife before that happens and I haven't found her just yet. But I really hope they use protection this time they already have a two month old they don't need another one right now and well they should wait until they are married or she's 18 to have another which isn't long. Meaning they can legally date and Zach couldn't say anything about it and then they would be a big happy family.

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