Chapter 2 - Jealousy

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This has some sexual stuff and yandere.

Viewer Discretion is advised.

It was now morning, the gang finally woke up and then ate breakfast and then set off to start the day. As they were walking through this path at the forest, they encountered some Pokemon, which Bonnie's eyes sparkled and went to them so that she could play with them but, Clemont grabbed Bonnie with his trusty aipom arm and said,

"Bonnie! This is no time for us to play now! We won't be able to reach to our destination at time and might miss our train!" said Clemont.

"Bonnie! This is no time for us to play now! We won't be able to reach to our destination at time and might miss our train!" said Clemont

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Bonnie then crossed her arms and as Clemont put her down and Bonnie looked at Clemont with an angry face and then said,

"Well, whatever! At least I'm not like you big brother, stripping to your underwear and always wrapping yourself in Arbok!" Bonnie said teasingly.

Clemont blushed so much and he looked at Ash and Serena with a shocking face, knowing the truth about Clemont now. Clemont then looked at Bonnie and said

"B-Bonnie! T-That's not true! You have no proof that I have wrapped myself in an Abrok! This, is not scientifically proven." Clemont lied.

Bonnie can see the lie in his face and just laughed it out and then said

"Pfft! Haha, whatever big bro." bonnie said with her arms crossed again with a smirk.

Clemont sighed and was really worried now that if his traveling companions just think if he is super weird now, and suddenly Ash spoke up to Clemont and wrapped his arm around Clemont's neck and he leaned in and said,

"Hey, I know what Bonnie said isn't true, I mean, you wouldn't ever do that right? You're my friend after all, you've got nothing to hide." Ash said with an enthusiastic smile.

Clemont just blushed again at this act of Ash, and thanked him for being such a good best friend to him. Bonnie just went to Serena who was staring at Ash and Clemont with a blank face till bonnie grabbed her arm,

"Come on Serena! We don't wanna miss our train now do we?" said Bonnie.

Serena snapped out of her mind and then nodded in agreement and called out Ash and Clemont that it's time to go now, as the 2 nodded and then went to the station. As they were walking, Serena thought to herself,

"Clemont and Ash are so close together.. aren't they? They sleep together too.. that's normal.. That's what friends do." Serena said doubtfully.

As another side of Serena, her obsessed, psychotic side spoke to her mind and said, "Of course not! You can totally see how close they are! Clemont blushed at Ash, didn't you see that? Remember that time when Ash won his battle with Clemont back at the gym? Clemmy here couldn't stop blushing himself after that battle with Ash... And even wrote a letter for him just thanking him for everything! Don't you think that's a bit too romantic?"

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