Chapter 10 - Our Childhood

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Warning: this contains violence.

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Author's note: this is a continuation from Chapter 9 hope you guys enjoy it


Serena's POV:

When I was 8 years old,
my first time meeting Ash was back at Professor Oak's summer camp, where Ash found me injured and took me back to the camp where everyone was waiting.

"Professor Oak, look!" a random kid said.

Ash held my hand during the time, and while I was staring at his face, so curiously.

Everyone was looking at us now, Professor Oak approached us and he asked Ash, "What happened?" And Ash replied,

"I found her deep into the forest, and she got her leg hurt too! But no worries, I fixed her leg now with that napkin." I couldn't stop looking at Ash, my heart keeps skipping a beat, I couldn't tell what this feeling was.

Professor Oak then said, "I'll go have a check on her leg. Everyone! Go set out your tents and find some sticks laying around at the forest but don't go too far!"

Ash then lets go of my hand, I didn't liked that for some reason. He then looked at me and said, "Hey, straw hat girl, Professor Oak will take care of you now, I'll be with everyone else, see you later!"

Ash then ran towards his friend called Gary. His childhood friend, I suppose.

Professor Oak then lead me to his big tent, and he had a lot of stuff inside there.
He lets me sat down at a chair and told me to wait. As he returned, he was holding a cotton and an alcohol spray. He then removed Ash's napkin around my leg and gave the napkin to me. He then sprayed my leg with the alcohol and then rubbed it with the cotton. After that was done, he told me that I'll be okay now and then told me to go play with the others.

It stings at first, but my leg felt better now. I still had the napkin that time, I was supposed to give it back to Ash, but I couldn't, because I didn't have the courage to talk to him.

Our second encounter again was at the forest once again. We were supposed to be looking for more sticks for the big campfire, nobody wanted to search the materials with me that time. Because I was this weird and quiet girl that barely showed any emotions towards others.
Others were gossiping about me and then some 2 girls came to me and started to throw rocks at me.

They kept on throwing rocks at me, I barely showed any emotions. I kept on having a dead look on my eyes and then just backed away from them because it was getting too annoying. They were still laughing at me, but then stopped throwing rocks at me till a kid came and ran towards me. It was... Ash.

He came in front of me and raised both of his arms and said to the girls, "Don't you dare hurt her!"

My eyes started to tear because of seeing him again. I didn't know why but I began to have that feeling inside of me again.

Ash then growled at the girls like a growlithe. I found that cute. The girls finally left us alone and Ash turned behind, facing me now and asked me that question again,

"Are you okay?" His words echoed through my head. I knew that he IS my goal.
I didn't have to pretend my emotions anymore, I smiled at him with tears on my eyes. I was beginning to have emotions.. he made me felt alive. I'm not perfect but he just makes it seem like I am.

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