Chapter 6 - Karma

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This has a lot of sexual stuff and a lot of violence and strong language.

Viewer Discretion is advised.

Serena and Ash were walking together outside the hospital now, Ash then started a conversation with Serena saying, "I can't believe it, we won't be able to see them for a while."

Serena looked at Ash and then responded, "Don't worry, they'll be waiting for us!" Serena reassured Ash, which earned her a smile from him, and it made her blush.

As they were still walking around some shopping districts they decided to stop at a Cafe, Serena was looking through the Cafe's window and see delicious food and same thing with Ash too, and while they were staring at it, some mysterious figure was behind Serena and was about to tap Serena's shoulder but however, Serena can feel like someone was breathing through her neck so she turned around and it was Miette!

Ash turned around and he saw Miette and said to her "Ohh! Miette long time no see."

"Long time no see indeed, Ash." Miette said winking at Ash.

Serena was feeling jealous again because someone is on the way of their relationship again. And when the trio heard a bell ring, it was the Cafe door opening sound effect, and it was Shauna!

"Shauna?-" Serena said shockingly.

Shauna just giggled and waved hi to Serena and Ash and then suddenly Shauna called out to Serena

"Come over here, Serena!"

Serena turned her attention at Ash and he said,
"Don't worry, I'm right behind you."

Serena sighed and was glad Ash will be there for her and once she entered the Cafe with Shauna, Ash was about to follow behind but suddenly, Miette grabbed his arm and stopped him and said, "Wait Ash, I need some help moving boxes at my new apartment because I just moved to this city."

But Ash responded, "But, Serena.." he said very worriedly.

Miette had to convince him more so she said, "I think Serena will be fine with Shauna, I mean, they're best friends after all, so come on!" As Miette grabbed Ash's arm pulling him at her apartment that was near this Cafe.

Serena entered the cafe with Shauna and it had a lot of nice drinks as she thought but, right now all she can think is her Ashy.. but when Serena looked behind her back and see that Ash wasn't there! Serena began to panic of where he went.

Shauna put a hand on Serena's shoulder and said to her, "He's fine! Miette just took him to her place to help her pack her boxes from just moving out, come on, why don't you sit across that table over there? I'll make you some good coffee!" Once Serena heard this, and when Shauna said, "went to her place" Serena began to snap and her heart was about to shatter and her eyes being widen up and clenching her fists. She cannot bare the thought of losing Ash.

Shauna can see how Serena is acting like, and told her that it's going to be okay, but then suddenly Serena pushed Shauna away against a wall, and pulled her back and Serena was staring at Shauna with a emotionless face but her eyes are widening up, her sapphire eyes were forming some dark aura inside of it.

"Where is Ash!?" Serena yelled at Shauna.

"H-Here!" As Shauna showed her phone towards Serena that got Miette's phone location.

She dropped Shauna to the floor and rushed her way to the apartment, importantly she did not forget her stuff inside her small backpack behind her back

Serena reached her destination and went on to see what room she lives in, it was room 406. Serena got that noted and went there and when she arrived at the door, but the door was surprisingly opened. As she let herself in, she can see how many boxes there were, and once she got to the living room, she could see Miette kissing Ash.

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