Chapter 4 - Persuade or Kill Part 2

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Warning: This has some EXTREME ACT OF VIOLENCE.
Viewer Discretion is advised.

Also this chapter is the longest one so far, other than chapter 3 being so short so anyway, here is the sequel of it.

Serena then tied Clemont to a chair and taping his mouth. Once she was happy with that, she had to bring some items with her first. She then exited the storage room and locked the door with the keys she got on her hands and then returned to the room to pick up some stuff and found Ash still awake while he was petting Pikachu at his bed.

"Oh hey Serena, where were you? And where's Clemont too? I am starting to get worried.." Ash said very worriedly, wondering what happened to Clemont.
Serena could see that Ash really cares about Clemont which made her heart shatter. She then thought to herself,

"Why does Ash really care about that lemon head.. why not me? Does he even l-love me?"
Serena said on her mind worriedly.

But that won't be a problem anymore since Clemont is going to be 'solved'.

"Clemont..he went outside to get some fresh air right now! And then he went to the convenience store to buy some drinks!" Serena lied.

Ash sighed in relief while petting Pikachu who was sleeping at his lap. Serena saw this and thought of how cute Ash can be in his pajamas while petting Pikachu. Serena shook her head off and went to find for the things she's looking for, however Ash saw her act of looking for something and then once she finished taking some stuff with her which she all placed in her bag, Serena was about to leave the room until Ash got up from his bed and walked towards and grabbed her arm and said, "Serena, Where are you going?" Ash asked curiously.

Serena couldn't help but blush that her 'Ashy' is touching her arm and then thought, "He's touching me.. I love it when he touches me..I want more from him!" as Serena said that in her mind very lustfully.

Serena shook her head because of her hormones, and said "Oh, I need to take care of something first, you can go and sleep again, Ash." Serena said with a smile and her eyes closed.

Ash looked at her with a worried face but then just chuckled and said, "Heheh, OK fine. But you and Clemont need to come back early today since we can't miss out breakfast, alright?"

Serena blushed at this sight of Ash and then nodded in agreement with her joyful smile. Once she left the room, she then thought back of her Ash who touched her and showed his concern to her as well. But didn't like how he worried about Clemont's disappearance.

As Serena returned to the storage room with her keys opening the door and then got inside and locked the door behind her. There was Clemont still fainted from that 'incident'. Serena sighed and then put down her large bag on the floor and then zipped the bag and searched inside the bag for a knife.
Once Serena was happy that she got her knife that was, very clean. And then once she approached Clemont with large footsteps, Clemont could hear this and woke up from his knockout, and as he opened his eyes, he noticed a figure standing in front of him. As he looked up and see Serena smiling with a knife on her hand!

Clemont began to mumble out his words, screaming out for help but nobody could hear him as the room's walls were too thick to hear his yelling, and because of the duct tape on his mouth, he could not speak out any words, he even try to speak but it would just be mumbled. Serena saw this sight of Clemont and just shushed him with a knife touching his face,
"Shhh, don't be scared, Clemmy.."

Clemont started to cry as he doesn't want to die yet, Serena then pulled out his duct tape on his mouth to finally let him speak.

"S-Serena.. please just let me go!"
Clemont pleaded.

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