14 - Friend ?

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mimi : I actually don't know what am I writing ! I'm subconscious~ 😌

"jungoo , where are you?" Y/n called out as she climbed the stairs.

it's already past their dinner time. y/n made the dinner an hour ago and called jungkook. since jungkook said he will come after completing his school works , y/n waited for him on the couch while scrolling through her phone. after waiting so long , y/n decided to bring jungkook by herself.

"yah where are you? the food is getting colder~" She shut the door of jungkook's room since he wasn't there.

"jungoo where are- "

y/n stopped on her tracks on reaching the entrance to balcony. she saw jungkook on his phone , giggling and whining to the person at the other end. he was practically singing a sequence of "no~~" in a high pitched tone.

y/n felt uneasiness. it was her first time seeing jungoo acting like this , to someone other than y/n. his bunny smile visible when he whined like a little kid.. the action he shown to no-one but y/n.

in between his constant giggles and whines on the call , jungkook's eyes captured y/n standing near the sliding door to the balcony , and his face fell into panic.

"n-n-noona ?!!"

jungkook gulped and looked at his phone , looking back to y/n. a laugh was heard from other end of the phone , and jungkook cut the call and shoved the phone to his pocket.

y/n don't know why , but she found herself getting pissed.

"why are you so shocked to see me? you forgot that I live here?"

"no !! w-what are you saying , n-noona ?!"

"who was that?"  Y/n asked , referring the call.

"it's a friend , she's from my class"

oh, it's a she.

"what's her name?"

"Eun Byul ! Jung Eun Byul "

y/n nodded and walked downstairs , jungkook following her.

"n-noona , heard us t-talking?" He sneaked a glance from y/n while walking down the stairs.

"why? did you talk something that I shouldn't know?"  Y/n asked without looking at jungkook.

"n-no .. but noona really hear-"

"I didn't hear anything"

"aah~~" Jungkook smiled in relief as they walked to the dining table and sat down.

"nothing , um.. we were talking about our homework a-and stuff"

y/n looked at jungkook and saw his ears turning red. something that happened everytime he said little lies.

"let's eat" Y/n sighed and passed the spoon to jungkook.

the dinner time was kinda quiet. jungkook stealing glance at y/n every minute , while y/n was lost in her thoughts.

why did jungoo lie ?

what's that he trying to hide ?

why he was all giggly on the phone with her ?

that girl.. is she really just a friend for jungoo ?

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