15 - Caught

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"Noonaa~ eat this too pleeeasee~~" Jungkook picked the cucumber from his lunch and brought to y/n's face. The two were having their lunch at the school cafeteria.

"Ahh!" Y/n tilted her face away. "You eat it! Jungoo , you should eat veggies to grow up!!"

"But I eat carrots !" His eyebrows met in a frown.

"Yeah yeah~ you eat 'only' carrots , little bunny !"

"Noonaaaa !!! I'm not a bunny ! And I'm not little !! I'm a-

"Big big boy , I know"

Y/n stuffed the food to jungkook's mouth. Jungkook looked at her with puffed cheeks and a pout , making y/n giggle at the sight.

"Jungkook !!"

The two turned their heads to the direction of the voice , and saw a girl jogging towards them.

"Eun Byul !" Jungkook waved his hands , and the girl smiled to him. Right she heard the girl's name , y/n got an uneasy feeling inside her chest.

Eun Byul stood with her food tray in hands and looked at the two. "Hello unnie ! I'm Jung Eun Byul, Jungkook's friend. My friends ditched me today , can I sit with you?"

Why is she behaving so nice? then there's no chance for y/n to say no , right?

"Okay , sit here" Y/n pushed a chair towards Eun Byul. The girl smiled brightly and sat down , quickly digging into the food.

The lunch almost went silent as the three ate without talking much. Jungkook was trying to eat the food as fast as he can , and the girl who claimed to be his 'friend' was frequently looking at Jungkook with an unreadable smile on her face. Y/n noticed it obviously , but what can she do?

"Y/n unnie~" Eun Byul called , grabbing y/n's attention.

"Yes ?"

"What do you think about lov-

"Aaaachhhoooo !! N-noona noonaa !" Jungkook did a fake sneeze , then started coughing continuosly. Y/n quickly poured a glass of water and gave to Jungkook.

"Drink this!" Y/n passed the glass , patting Jungkook's back as he kept coughing while drinking water.

"Big boy my foot! You spilled water all over your face. What am I going to do with you , Jungoo~~" Y/n took a tissue and wiped Jungkook's face , while shaking her head. She was used to be like this with him , and didn't think about the girl sitting infront of them watching the scene.

It was until Jungkook moved back , making y/n withdraw her hand. "I am o-okay noona.."

Y/n followed Jungkook's eyes , which reached at Eun Byul. The girl was signalling something to Jungkook , and he trying to respond with his slight gestures.

Y/n felt a pang in her chest. It looked like Jungkook badly wanted to talk to Eun Byul , and y/n is meddling in between them. She felt sad.

"I wanna use washroom"

"Okay , noona ! " Jungkook replied instantly , making y/n's heart ache more. He really wants y/n to leave now , right? His face shows that.

Y/n left the place and walked along the way which lead to washroom. She stopped on her tracks and turned around , running back to the entrance of the cafeteria. Looking at the table they sat for dinner , y/n saw them.

Jungkook pinching Eun Byul's ear playfully , the girl being all giggly and cute saying jungkook to let go.

"Jealous much?"

The voice startled y/n and she looked aside , to see the boy with boxy smile raising an eyebrow at her.

"What you saying , Tae?" Y/n ignored her emotions and asked.

Taehyung shook his head while giggling. "Yah~ it's too obvious !"

"Yeah? What's obvious?"

"Don't play dumb , Y/n. Your eyes says it all. You likes Jungkook , right?"

♥️ omo there's a star below ! 😉

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