19 - Noona, I'm sorry

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🐥: I literally changed this script 10 times cuz I was not happy with it. So please vote and tell me how was it~~ next chapter on total votes of 1k+😌


Y/n blinked twice, looking at Jungkook who sat on the couch.. pointing at his pouty lips, demanding a kiss from her.

"J-Jungoo.." She laughed nervously with her heart beating loud. "Let m-me bring the wat-

"After you gimme my kiss, noona~" He swayed her arms sideways and whined.

Y/n pulled her hands from Jungkook with a little force and took a step back. "No Jungoo. I'm not giving you that kiss"

"Aaaaah whyyy~~" The drunk boy sang in a high pitched voice, stomping his feets.

Cuz I don't want to break me more. I don't want you to hate me for doing this to you. I'm confused, Jungoo. I don't want to give me false hopes..

"Noona.." Jungkook's voice took a sad tone. "I asked ..why"

Y/n collected herself and pinched Jungkook's nose. "Cuz you're drunk.. and you don't have any idea of what are you asking" She quickly left to the kitchen, not waiting for Jungkook's whining.

Y/n took a glass and filled it with warm water. Returning to the living room, she sat on the couch beside Jungkook. "Here, drink this"

He shook his head, looking down at his lap. Y/n sighed and scooted closer. "Jungoo, if you're not gonn-

"I hate you"

"What?" Y/n asked, to ensure that her ears played a trick.

"I hate you, noona" Jungkook raised his head, locking his gaze with Y/n.

Y/n saw the tears glimmering in his bambi eyes, the slight shivering of his lips, and the tightly clenched fists. She sighed for the nth time while getting up and taking Jungkook's hands, pulling him with her.

"You're drunk, Jungoo~" Y/n held his waist firmly while letting his arms around her shoulders, walking Jungkook to his room. "I know you don't hate me"

Jungkook wobbles and grips tightly on Y/n's shoulder, taking the steps to his room upstairs.

"Ugh! why did you get drunk in the first place?!" She made him sit on the bed, and started taking off his socks. "You're still underage!"

"Don't do this!" Jungkook pulled his legs making Y/n frown. "I can do my things. I'm not a kid"

He was trying to get his socks off, but his drunken self don't letting him succeed. With a growl, Jungkook threw his hands on air and closed his eyes.

"Yeah you are not a kid" Y/n takes off his socks, and sat on the bed beside Jungkook. "But I loves to take care of this Jungoo" She swiftly ran her fingers through his black locks, Jungkook taking a comfortable breath in the familiar act of affection.

"This is why.. " He held Y/n's wrist, and opened his eyes to look at her. "This is why I want to hate you.. but I can't"

Y/n wonders is this how a person changes when they get drunk. She heard some people act cute when they're drunk, some acts stupid, some gets emotional. And Jungoo... speaks things that no one can understand.

Y/n almost falls back when Jungkook throws himself on her, crushing her in the tightest hug she ever got.

"Why.. why you had to be Jenny's bestfriend? .. why I met you when I was little?.. why.. you treat me like this.. noona..?"

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