10 - Moving out

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vote goal : 5 ( lemme fix my expectations low🙄)

y/n nervously bit her lips while looking at her mother who was pacing back and forth while mumbling.

"mamaa ..! "

she stopped walking and looked at y/n , then shook her head.

"no no !! I won't allow you to move out !"

"aaahh whyyy?~~"

"does this make any sense? suddenly your school conducts a photography contest, five students who scored the top are selected , and offered to study in their branch at Seoul?!! and YOU ARE ONE AMONG THEM ?!! "

"this isn't the time to joke , mom". y/n said with an evident disappointment on her face.

"y/n .. I'm just worried. what if this is some fake contest or trap ?! "

"mama , we were given all the documents and details about the school. and our school has its reputation to be kept. then how this can be fake? it's a golden opportunity ! "

"you are only 18. you lived all these years here in Busan like a snail inside its shell"

"mom , are you dissing me now ?!"

y/n's mom sat beside her on the couch and held her hand. tucking back a strand of hair fell on y/n's face , her mom smiled softly.

"no , baby. mama is worried of sending my daughter far away from here.. away from mom's sight."

"mama.. this is a great opportunity for me. they let us study in their school and according to our grades , we will be able to attend SNU , with scholarship !! you know how much I loves photography , chances like this might not come again , mom !! I already found the way to my career ! and I can't attend the school at Seoul while living in Busan , I should move out "

y/n's mom leaned back on the couch and sighed , thinking about the situation.


"I am not going alone ! jungoo is with me. he also got selected and he will be moving in with me. so , you are not sending your daughter 'alone' . "

"that's the only relief I have". mom looked at y/n, and laughed when she saw y/n's eyes widening.

"mama .. so you letting me go ?!!! "

"I think so. why? now you don't want to go?" mom gave y/n a cocky smile.

"mamaaaa !!!!! ". y/n practically jumped on her mom and hugged her tighter. "yayyy !! my mama is the best !!"

Sorry ! no jungoo in this chapter 🙈

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