16 - Talks with Taehyung

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🐥 : this is the continuation of previous chapter

" You like him , right? " Taehyung asked again.

Y/n looked at Taehyung , took a deep breath and looked down. " Yes "

" I knew it ! " Taehyung nodded to himself. " But why are you not confessing? "

Y/n's eyes widened as if Taehyung said something horrible.

" What if Jungoo says no? What if he drift away from me , never want to see me ever again ? "

" What if he likes you back? "

Taehyung's question made a light blush to spread across Y/n's cheeks. She smiled on the thought of her and Jungkook being together.

How he will act cute for her , snuggle to her saying that he loves her the most.. how he will get jealous when other boys talk to her .. his little pout when she says that she loves Jennie more to tease him..

" Y/n !! " Taehyung's voice brought her back.

"Ah.." Y/n thought for a moment and shook her head. " If he likes me .. I would be the happiest girl out here. but.. "

Y/n's eyes darted to that table in the cafeteria , where Jungkook sat with Eun Byul and talked to her cheerfully. Taehyung followed y/n's gaze , sighing when he saw the two.

" Tae~ "

" Hm.. ? "

" Do you think.." Y/n looked at Taehyung with a painful gaze , looking back to the pair. " Do you think t-that.. "

" They're in love? " He completed Y/n's question , when she hesitated to say the rest.

Y/n nodded , without taking her eyes off the couple. A short sigh left Taehyung's lips as he answered her.

" I'm not sure~ They might be in love.. or could be best friends " He continued. " You shouldn't struggle all by yourself when you can directly ask Jungkook about them. "

" I asked. Jungoo said she's a friend. Still.."

" May be~" Taehyung tilted his head. " I don't know about Jungkook's relationship with that girl but.. I can see that he loves you very much. As a sister or as a girl , I don't know that. But whenever he says something about you , that bright smile never left his face "

" I don't know Tae.. I'm scared of being pushed away. I've known Jungoo for years. We always hung out together. We had stay overs at each others' .. we played together .. our families are also close. If I tell Jungoo that I'm in love with him , and if he can't return my feelings.. " A tear left Y/n's eyes. " I t-think I can't bear it. I could see myself clinging on to him crying .. a-and he pushing me a-away " Her breath hitches. " It's my worst nightmare"

When Y/n looked down with tears streaming down , Taehyung inhaled and side hugged her.

" It's gonna be alright.. " He patted her back gently.

Y/n quickly wiped her tears and looked at Taehyung. " Keep this a secret , Tae~ Don't tell anyone that I.. I- "

" Okay okay~ I won't tell anyone that you head over heels for that boy with a bunny smile who's sitting over the table there " Taehyung said pointing to Jungkook.

Y/n smiled faintly .

" Still.. Y/n.. "

" Yeah? "

" You should better confess to him someday , before it gets too late "

Y/n's eyes followed Taehyung's , her gaze landing on Eun Byul who was playfully hitting Jungkook's arms .. and Jungkook giggling along with her.

Is it still.. not too late ?

🐥 : I will publish next chapter on a total of 300+ votes , ig~ ! vote jusseyo~~

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