8 - Suspicious Jennie

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"y/n , is there something wrong between jungoo and you?"

"uh? w-what ? haha nothing is w-wrong , jenn~ "

" then why is he running away from you for the past two days?"

" haha what are you saying ?! h-he isn't ! "

" he is ! do you think I didn't notice? you are now literally sitting on the couch in our home's living room , and jungoo just walked away to the kitchen ! not walked-- he practically ran away !! the jungoo we know would've been clinging onto you and blabbering about his stupid doings now. he never avoids you "

" jenn~ it's nothing .. he may be busy a-- "

" tell me what happened , y/n. I'm your bestfriend "

y/n fiddled with her fingers as she thought about how to answer Jennie. there's no way y/n would tell her about the kiss.

well.. the accidental kiss

Like Jennie said , Jungkook is running away from y/n. the day when y/n went back to her home after that night , she jumped on her bed and squealed , with heating cheeks and a shy smile on her lips. her heart was pounding crazily but she loved it.

her jungoo , the boy she loved more than herself , her cute bunny who always made her smile .. kissed on her lips !

Even it was unexpected and accidental , y/n felt her heart fluttering in happiness.

his lips were soft .. soft like flower petals

for that moment , y/n thought about jungkook as her lover. and who knows.. after the kiss , may be jungkook's heart grow feelings for y/n !

But her dreams crushed in a second when she saw jungkook's behaviour on the next encounter. he was acting like something horrible happened. he didn't hug her , nor smiled at her. jungkook was avoiding y/n at all costs.

And she felt her heart which was fluttering yesterday , forgot how to beat

" y/n !! yah !! earth to y/n !!! "

y/n was brought back from the trance when she heard Jennie shouting while shaking y/n's shoulders.

" uh ? what ? "

" I was asking what happened between jungkook and you "

" ah .. it's .. nothing but .. "

" but what ? "

Y/n's mind searched for fake answers. she's never going to tell the truth to jennie. what if jennie won't believe it was accidental? what if she don't like the idea of y/n loving jungkook?

no no ! y/n don't want her bestfriend to hate her !

" Y/N !!!!!! "

" ah !! yeah !! it was because .. "

Y/n closed her eyes tightly as she voiced out the lie. she didn't know it was making any sense. all she wanted was to stop jennie from asking further.

" it was because I saw jungoo in the shower !!!!! "

Jennie's jaw dropped. she blinked her eyes twice and titled her head while looking at y/n.

" you saw him in shower? like .. you went in shower with him ?!!! and you-- "

" NO NO !!! what are you talking jenn !! I .. um .. so I o-opened the bathroom door when he was in the s-shower ! I swear I didn't knew he was there , I just wanted to pee !!! "

" so you saw him naked? "

" w-wh-what ?! "

" you saw his ding dong ? that's why he's running away cuz he's embarrassed? "

Y/n mentally slapped herself for making up such a lie when she felt her cheeks burning up at the thought of what jennie asked.

" Yes ! " y/n nodded her head quickly hoping that jennie would stop asking now.

" hm.. makes sense "

" haha right? d-don't refer this a-anymore , okay jenn? a-and don't ask jungoo too . h-he is embarrassed , you know "

" y/n ! who do you take me for? I'm not such a perso-- "

Jennie and y/n looked towards the kitchen on hearing footsteps to see jungkook holding a packet of chips. he took a quick glance at y/n and looked away.

" what's so funny? " jungkook glared at jennie when he saw her holding back laughing

" she saw your- hahaha !! " jennie started laughing

" jenn !!! noo !!! " y/n tried to cover jennie's mouth but miserably failed.

" so y/n saw you naked and that's why you're running away from her ? haha ! y/n saw jungoo's ding dong !!! hahaha !! "

Y/n shook her head desperately while looking at jungkook , begging for an apology for lying about the incident ,

and a jungoo with red ears and burning cheeks dropped the packet of chips on the floor , running upstairs to his room.



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