17 - A normal night

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🐥 : thank you beautiful readers~~ for making the total votes reach above 300!!

Days passed. Y/n couldn't gather the courage to confess her feelings to Jungkook. Last week they were having the tests before vacation , so Jungkook spent most of his time in school with Eun Byul .. preparing for the exams. Y/n stayed with Taehyung , studying a little , and rambling a lot about what a stupid and coward is she to hide her feelings from Jungkook.

Now exams were over and vacation is about to start , Y/n and Jungkook got free from their academic schedule.. and they are having their own time in their little home in Seoul.

"Jungoo~~ !" Y/n called from the balcony

"Yeah noona~~" Jungkook quickly ran upstairs , panting lightly on reaching there. "Why did you call me?"

"Where's the laundry ?"

"I already did it !" He lifted the inexistent collar of his black tee showing he is proud of himself , making y/n break into a fit of giggles.

"Okay , you did well !" She patted his head. "I was planning to finish the works here fast , since we'll be leaving to Busan in a week"

Jungkook's eyes sparkled in excitement.

"Finally we're getting two months vacation !! I miss our family and everything in Busan~" Jungkook fakes a cry. "I put up here only because you were with me , noonaa~~" He snuggled onto Y/n's arms and placed a peck on her shoulder blades , rubbing his nose on her shoulder after.

Y/n ignored how her heart skipped a beat when Jungkook pecked her shoulder. "Me too , Jungoo. If you weren't here with me , I'm sure that I'd have ran away back to Busan the next day itself "

The two walked downstairs , and after having dinner , they decided to watch a movie.. like they did in usual weekends.

Y/n took the remote and scrolled through the playlist. "Which movie you want to watch , Jungoo?"

"You choose , noona~~" Jungkook lay lazily on the couch , placing his head on Y/n's lap.

"Iron man? you like it !"

"No , noona~ I'm not in a mood to cry today" Jungkook shifted his head to a more comfortable position on Y/n's lap.

"What about frozen?"

"Aah I can't watch Anna almost dying~"

"Maleficent ?"

"I'll get nightmare of the evil queen !"

"Ice age?"

"It's already cold !"


"Yeah ?" Jungkook looked at Y/n and giggled

"Aish you really!" Y/n pinched jungkook's ear , and the boy yelped cutely. "I'm gonna watch the rest episodes of my drama then!"

Y/n fixed her eyes on the TV screen when the drama begin. Jungkook wasn't much interested in it , so he simply layed there , taking y/n's hands on his and playing with her fingers.

A few minutes passed. Jungkook was lost in his thoughts while y/n watched the drama , moving to the end of the episode.

"Noona.. " Jungkook took a deep breath as he looked at y/n.

"Noonaaaa~~~!" He sat up beside y/n , grabbing her attention which was fully on the screen.

"Wait! wait a minute my drama is ab- " Y/n threw a dumbfounded look at Jungkook when he took the remote control from her and paused the drama.

"Don't glare at me !! I wanted to ask something , noonaa~~ "

The cute pout on the boy's lips and his adorable bambi eyes made y/n smile. She shifted her position to face Jungkook, giving her full attention to him.

"Okay~" Y/n pinched the boy's cheeks. "What's the matter , Jungoo~?"

"Noonaa.. Tae hyungie.. "

"What about Tae?" Y/n furrowed her brows.

"Noona likes him?"

"Who won't like Taehyung? He's such a hyper kid radiating this positive energy so you never get bored being with-

"Noooo~ not that !" Jungkook whined , hitting gently on Y/n's knee. "I was asking.. you like him as a.. " He steals a glance. "So , you like hyung in that way?"

Jungkook bit his nail as he looked straight to Y/n's eyes , waiting for her reply.

Y/n don't know what gotten into her , she had a courage to take this as her opportunity to know what's inside Jungkook's mind.

"What if I like him?"

"You do..?" Jungkook asked impatiently.

"Who knows~"

As the words left y/n's lips, Jungkook's face fell. He looked down fiddling with his fingers and spoke barely audible.

"I thought noona will stay with me always.. "

"Then you gotta marry me!"

Y/n's heart almost stopped beating when Jungkook shot his head up , looking y/n with his widened eyes. She cursed herself for talking out her thoughts which she was supposed to hide from the boy.

Jungoo looks shocked. This is bad.

"Haha I was kidding !!" Y/n gently shook Jungkook's shoulder. "Cool, Jungoo~~ that was supposed to be a joke!" She lied , hoping that Jungkook won't overthink her words and behave awkwardly later.

"And Jungoo~ I don't like Taehyung in that way. He is a nice guy but for me.. Tae is a good friend"

A bright smile spread across Jungkook's face. He nodded while singing a melody and took the remote , resuming the drama which was paused near the end of episode.

"Okay noonaa~~" Jungkook again lay on the couch, placing his head on y/n's lap. "I'm gonna take a nap. wake me up when you finish watching~"

Y/n stared blankly at the TV screen. She couldn't figure out Jungkook's feelings towards her.

That's the problem of being too close. You can't know.. what type of love they hold for you. To know it , there isn't any other way than asking them straight. But by doing so.. either you will be happy and start a relationship with them.. or ..

You will drift apart ..


🐥 : I'll publish next chapter on a total vote of 450+ ♥️

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