5 - Hurt ?

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Hello ! Can't I expect for atleast one vote ? Okay , here we go with the story ⬇️

" Damn these periods ! "

Y/n held her stomach and curled on bed , cursing those worst ever day she got among all those months.

She didn't knew what was happening. Speaking of that , the monthly periods doesn't bothered her much. She even used to hangout at Jenny's home like usual days.

But this month brought her the worst. Y/n was getting mood swings , Hate-Love relationship with food , and the worst ever cramps this month.

She barely ate breakfast , and got scolded by her mother for that. Y/n's mom is a friendly person , so she sometimes perfectly gets on y/n's nerves by teasing her .. as she did today , when y/n was scrolling back and forth between her moods.

" Y/n !! Jungkook is here ! "

Her mom shouted from the living room , before leaving for her monthly shopping of groceries.

" Oh God.. I don't want to deal with this jungoo baby today ". Y/n sighed on thinking about jungkook's unexpected tickling and running games , not wanting to be his playmate today.

" Noonaa..! "

Here he comes.

" Aunty told that don't talk to noona because you practically lost your brain " .

He giggles as he step inside the room. Y/n didn't bother to answer anything and just raised her hand to greet jungkook , while laying on her bed.

" Noona ? ". Jungkook sat on the bed beside y/n

* silence *

" Noonaa~~ "

" What ? "

" Is there something wrong ? "

" No " . Y/n didn't know how to tell about her problem. It may be easy for other girls to tell about their periods to boys. But for y/n , she find it difficult. Even jungkook is close to her and known her for years , y/n never had talks about the girls' problems with jungkook.

Y/n get back from her thoughts when jungkook's voice interrupted her.

" Then why are you staying in bed ? Do you have a fever ? "

" I don--

Y/n instantly shut up as jungkook placed his palm on her forehead.

" You don't have a fever "

" Y-yeah .. um "

" Then get up , noona.. let's play "

" I don't want to "

" Whyy~~ " . He whines .

" Just.. I'm not in the mood "

" Noonaa~~  pretty please.. "

" I said no " . Y/n said firmly and clenched her jaw when she felt the cramps.

" Noonaa ,  just play with me .. I'm bored and-- "


The boy instantly stopped talking and looked at y/n in surprise. She never raised her voice or talked in anger with jungkook. It was new to him.

" N-noona .. "

" Jungkook , listen . I'm not in a mood to-- ". Y/n tightly closed her eyes and clenched her teeth when the cramp got her again

She took a deep breath and looked at jungkook. She wasn't bothered about jungkook's feelings then. Y/n knew that jungkook is very sensitive , and gets hurt easily. But her mind was covered with the twisting pain inside her stomach.

" Jungoo.. can you leave me alone today ? "

With that , jungkook got up and left the room .. not uttering a single word.


I will upload the next chapter right after I get 10 votes !
- ♥️ -

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