6 - He isn't a baby

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Y/n pressed her face on the pillow and tightly closed her eyes.

Does she think she hurt jungkook?

- yes

Did she knew she messed up ?

- hell , yes

Did she wants jungkook near her ?

- surprisingly , yes

Wasn't she the one who pushed him a few minutes away ?

- sadly , it's also a 'yes' .

Tossing and turning around in the bed in both physical and mental pain , y/n dozed off to sleep in some moment.


Y/n felt a cold hand on her cheek. As she squirmed in sleep , she felt those hands moving to her arms .. and giving gentle pats like it was helping her to sleep.

But it felt so real to be a dream.


Y/n shuttered open her eyes .. widening it more as she saw jungkook sitting on her bedside , with a sweet smile on his lips.

This should definitely be a dream. There's no way for him to return after the strange behaviour y/n gave him minutes before.

" Noona.. ? "

Y/n jolted up from her bed to a sitting position , holding her stomach when she suddenly felt the cramps , looking at jungkook , then instantly taking her hands off her stomach.

" J-Jungoo .. ? "

" Yeah? " . His bunny smile.

So y/n is now sure that jungkook is really in her room and she wasn't dreaming. A rush of guilt run over her mind as she began to speak .

" Jungoo .. I'm sorry I-- oh ? " . Y/n looked surprisingly at the bunch of chocolates dropped on her lap .

" I brought this for you , noona. I have more. Look ! " . Jungkook lifted the plastic bag in his hand and swayed it.

" Why .. you brought chocolates ? " . Y/n was confused.

" Noona.. I know " . Jungkook took a chocolate and tear the wrapper , then held it before her .

" It's that day , right ? "

" Hm.. ? "

" Those days girls hate? " . Jungkook held y/n's hand and made her grab the chocolates. " There's no other way noona would yell at me "

Y/n looked at the boy in awe. For the first time.. she get that jungkook is far mature from what she thought. He even brought her chocolates. Since jungkook always acted silly and played around , y/n never thought that jungkook would have any serious thoughts in his brain.

Well .. she was wrong.

" Noonaa.. what are you thinking? " . She come back from her thoughts , and smiled at him , softly.

"Jungoo really .. isn't a baby "

" I told you , noona. It's you who didn't believe me".

With the mature attitude , jungkook still pouted his lips like a baby. Y/n smiled and ruffled his hair , and started to devour her chocolate.

" And noona.. " . He looked down and scratches the back of his neck .

" What's it , jungoo ? "

" I .. um.. I brought this too. " He pushed the plastic bag on her hands. " Perhaps.. y-you may be .. in n-need of t-this .. "

Y/n checked the bag , and saw that it was sanitary napkins inside. She didn't knew what to feel . The little jungoo she knew till this day was something different from this. He's not a careless kid who only thinks about him. Yes , he likes everyone around him , but y/n never knew that he'd be the type of person who takes care of others.

Did she thought low of him ?

Never. She was babying him all these years , and forgot that jungkook can be a self-reliant person.

Y/n felt so happy. She is still feeling the cramps , but despite that pain , her heart fluttered. She saw herself as the girl who is being taken care of by her boyfriend.

Boyfriend ?

And here comes the pain. Pain of untold love. Suppression of real feelings. Faking happiness.

Y/n's eyes was getting teary. If jungkook know that how much she loves him , how her heart beats crazily when he smile , how her insides burn up everytime he hugs her .. then .. then he may leave her.

A tear drop fell from her eyes. Jungkook panicked and scooted closer to y/n , grabbing her hands

" Noona? What happened? Why are you crying suddenly ? " . He quickly wiped her tears away , and cupped her cheeks.

Y/n shook her head and tried to remove jungkook's hands , but he was not letting her to.

" Did it hurt so bad ? " . Without having a choice , y/n nodded her head , to be pulled into his embrace.

" Is there something I can do , noona? something to lessen your pain? "

To his words with sincerity , y/n shook her head as the response.

Only if you can love me like the way I do ..

" It will slowly go away , jungoo " . She sniffed. " I am okay.. I am used to the pain "

A smile appears on y/n's lips as she heard him sigh. Jungkook hugged her tighter and took her hand to wrap around him .

" Sleep , noona. I will stay with you. "


- ♥️ -

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