22 - Busan and Birthday

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The moment they gets out of the car, Y/n throws herself on her mom. They were dropped to Jungkook's house, so Y/n's mom was also there waiting for them.

"Aww my baby~~ mama missed you a lot" The woman sniffles, happily hugging her daughter. "How was your days?" She asks, even though they used to share the daily things through video calls.

"Bittersweet, mama" Y/n smiles, exchanging glance with Jungkook who smiles at her while hugging his mom.


The pair breaks the hug with their moms and shots head to a fuming Jenny stood in between.

"Oh my sweet sister~~" Jungkook was the first to throw his arms around Jenny, pulling her to crush her in a hug.

"Go away you dipshit!" Jenny pushed him off. "I was waiting forever for you two to notice me and looks like I'm invisible" She scoffs, shooting a glare at Y/n.

"Aiguu! my Jenny Enny is pissed" Jungkook raise his hands in defeat and steps back when Jenny gritted her teeth.

"Jenn..." Y/n calls softly, most like a whisper

"What? What do you want? You only see me now- Omo!!" Jenny stumbled back when Y/n hugs her suddenly. "Yah I don't want your hug! You didn't notice me first so go aw-"

Jenny stops whining and focus on Y/n, hearing muffled sobs. "Y/n!!" Jenny pulls away, widening her eyes seeing Y/n's eyes filled with tears. "Yahh you're crying?!"

Y/n shakes her head in denial but her tears which didn't stop tells otherwise. The two moms laughs and shakes their head at the dramatic scene of two bestfriends, walking into the house with the bags. Jungkook stood behind the bestfriends, not knowing what to do.

"I'm sorry Jenn.." Y/n speaks in a shaky breath.

Jungkook sighs, knowing exactly what Y/n is sorry about. Even though he convinced her that Jenny won't be able to hate her.. he knew Y/n will be feeling apologetic and nervous till she talks her heart out with Jenny.

"Uh? I was just playing around though! there's nothing to be sorry about you hugging your mom first, dumbhead" Jenny pats Y/n's back while giggling. She looks at her brother with a confused face "Jungoo, what's wrong with her?"

"She is soo sorry about staying away from you" Jungkook says, tugging Y/n's arms and hugging her from sideways. When Y/n looks at him, he throws a scolding look, only to be noticed by her. "Right, Noona?"

"Uh?" Y/n was brought back to the present and clears her throat. "Yeah. Right"

"You silly!" Jenny laughs and pulls them inside the house, excited to have a day long conversation that she was missing with his best friend and brother.


Next day evening, the day before Jungkook's birthday, Y/n comes for a stay over night. As Jungkook said, his mom is planning a great birthday party for him the next day.

"Noonaa, don't lie!" Jungkook exclaimed "You really don't have any gifts for me?"

"Yah rabbit!" Jenny pulls Jungkook by his ear "People don't ask themselves for birthday gifts. And you think she got enough time to buy gifts? You just got back from Seoul yesterday"

Y/n pouted and nodded. Jungkook thought for a second and clapped his hands. "Then you can give another gift!!"

He puckers his lips at Y/n indicating a kiss making sure Jenny didn't see, which made Y/n panic and slap his lips.

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