18 - Alcohol always makes Twists

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"Aish why isn't he home yet?" Y/n paced back and forth, stealing a glance at the clock which shows 10 at night.

Since tomorrow is the start of two months vacation, Taehyung said he wanted to take Jungkook for a round trip in Seoul to explore the dark corners of the city. Who knows, what's inside the weird boy's mind. But Jungkook seemed so excited, that's why Y/n closed her eyes.

"Aaah I shouldn't have fell for Jungoo's puppy eyes!" Y/n dropped herself on the couch, sighing. "Why should I let him go.. why isn't he back-

"Ding dong~"

Y/n sprinted to the front door and opened it quickly, widening her eyes on the sight and glaring at Taehyung like she's about to kill him in any second.

"Y-y/n!.." Taehyung tried to make himself look helpless, but failed infront of y/n's deadly glare. "Aiiishh I told him that you'll kill me for getting him alcohol but he was so persistent !!!!!"

"Tae, he's not even 18 yet! What if someone catch you drinking? You'll escape easily but Jungoo will-

"Staaaaph !!" Jungkook screamed half asleep , making Taehyung cover the bunny boy's mouth in the fear of both Y/n and the silent neighborhood at night.

"But we didn't get caught, Y/n~" Tae said, still with an apologetic look. "And, I can guarantee that this is gonna be good"

"Good?" Y/n frowned. "Making Jungoo drunk is good, you saying?"

"No not that. But my instinct says this time is going to be memorable for you and you'll be thanking me tomorrow~~" Taehyung smiled to Y/n and tapped Jungkook's cheeks lightly.

"Uh?" The boy squinted his eyes and looked around, showing his eye smile on seeing Y/n. "Oh you !!!!"

Y/n was about to scold him, but Jungkook threw himself on her crushing her in a tight hug. "My teddy bear~ why are you out here? you should be in my bed~~"

Y/n managed to smack Taehyung's head on seeing him smirking. "He is literally talking about his teddy bear. Don't run your weird imaginations, Tae. He's wasted"

"I'm not imagining anything~" He giggled. "Then see you after vacations! Have a nice time~ and I'm sorry for today, Y/n"

Taehyung gave a side hug to Y/n who was struggling to keep her balance with Jungkook hugging her like a Koala, and told his goodbye. Y/n shook her head while laughing on seeing the weird boy screaming goodnight to the soundly asleep neighborhood, and closed the front door, getting inside.

"Ugh! You weigh a ton, Jungoo" She put all her strength to drag Jungkook towards the couch and make him sit there. "Wait till you get sober. I'm going to beat the hell out of you"

Jungkook looked at Y/n with a frown. "Is that you.. noona?" He tried to pinch Y/n's cheeks.

"No" Y/n took a sharp breath. "This is my ghost, and I'm gonna kill you"

The boy widened his eyes and shrunk on the couch, hiding his head in between his knees. "N-no.. ! Jungoo is s-scared"

Y/n can't help but chuckle on seeing Jungkook's cute actions. She ruffled his hair, making him lift his head and look at her.

"I will bring you water, so wait here Jungoo~" She pecked his forehead and left to kitchen, but stopped by Jungkook pulling her wrist. "Uh? I said I'll bring water~ why are you stopping me~?" Y/n smiled, seeing Jungkook's little pout.



"Here too~" Jungkook tilted his head to the side, showing his puffy cheeks.

"You're a baby~" Y/n giggled and pecked his cheeks, making the boy show his bunny smile.

"Here !" His index finger touched the tip of his nose, telling Y/n that he wants a peck there. Y/n sighed, but quickly gave him a smooch.

"Now let me bring the water, Jungoo"

"Noona Noona !!" He locked his fingers on Y/n's wrist. "One more~~~"

"Aah! Why are you being a- " His bambi eyes made Y/n melt again, so she gave up and nodded her head. "Okay one more, and I'm going to bring water"

The boy excitedly nodded and held Y/n's hands, looking upto her. Y/n leaned in to give him a smooch on his forehead.

"Noooo !!" The boy almost screamed, making Y/n startle and place a hand on her chest.

"Why? what's it?"

"Noonaa~ Here~"

When Y/n's eyes followed Jungkook's actions.. she felt her breath stuck inside her chest.

Jungkook is pointing to his lips while looking at Y/n, telling her that he wants a kiss.. on his lips.


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