Why are you talking to me?

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(Trigger warning for self harm mention, suicide mention and talk)(also self harm)
(Michael's POV)
It did in fact get worse. He tried not to show the shock and worry in his voice as he explained there had been a family emergency. He wasn't exactly lying. Charlie offered him a ride but he politely declined. Right as Michael walked out the door Henry lightly grabbed his arm and Michael pulled away turning around, Henry gave Michael his phone number and Michael began to fast walk to Mrs.Fitzgeralds house.

When he arrived Jeremy was outside the front door chewing on his nails. "Jeremy?" Jeremy looked up his eyes full of concern. "There's more news..while you were coming over here a man was found in a animatronic suit, he was killed by springlocks." Michael's tone darkened "Did they identify him?"
"Yea, he was a former employee of your old job."
"How long ago did he quit?"
"He worked there directly after you, he quit last week."
"Well I guess this means I have to go back and investigate." Jeremy's eyes got concerned and his voice firm, "You are not going back there!"
"It'll be fine, I can't die!"
"You can't just leave immediately,we have to wait."
"I'm going with you dumbass."

Michael clicked call on Henry's phone contact while trying to stay calm. "Hello?" he heard from the other line. "Uh hello it's Michael, sorry to bother you but some alarming things have come up."
"What kind of alarming things?"
"Um..missing kids and a spring lock accident,I'm sorry to bother you I'll go now."
"Wait! I think we should talk about this!"
"Yea ok."
"You said there was a springlock accident?"
"Yes a man was found dead in a costume, he used to work at circus baby's pizza world as a night technician, he was hired after me."
"Wait what do you mean after you?"
"Well I did work there."
"You what? Why in gods name would you work there?"
What do I say? I can't really tell him can I? I just have to make up a excuse?
"Oh uhm Jeremy's calling I think I have to go? I'll call you back."
"Who's Jer-"" Michael quickly hit the hang up button and sighed.

He returned to Jeremy who was still at the front door. "Well I called him, then hung up after he asked why I worked at that place"
Jeremy sighed, "we can resolve this soon, my mom called me and said the friend she was helping needs a lot more help than she thought so she'll be home in two hours." Jeremy eyes held concern, "But one thing.." before Jeremy could finish his sentence Michael's heart filled with dread knowing he was going to ask about his arm. "But one thing..your arm."
"Oh I-it's fine..Henry helped me with it."
"Who's Henry?"
"Very long story...very very long."
"Tell me about it when your ready..but back to your arm?"
"It was just a scratch nothing to bad."
"You know what I mean."
"I was being impulsive..it's really fine."
"Let's go sit down okay? We don't have to talk about this yet."

The two men sat down close next to each other. They both had a stressful day, Jeremy dozed off while leaning on Michael and his head fell on his shoulder. Michael also soon fell asleep .

Jeremy's mother came home to them leaning on eachother . She smiled and decided to leave them be.

Jeremy awoke groggily. He was about to sit up but he realized Michael's arms were wrapped around his. Then realized his arms were also wrapped around Michael. They were cuddling. Jeremy blushed at this and decided to wait until Michael woke up, after all he did like being in his embrace. Michael Depised physical contact, Over the years he's known Jeremy he's gotten used to handshakes and pats on the shoulder, anything sudden scared him. This was different, he felt safe around Jeremy.

Michael soon woke up and realized they were cuddling. He blushed too, he noticed Jeremy was also awake. "I-um good morning.."
They pulled away from eachother awkwardly and sitting quietly next to each other. "I-I'm sorry I was..hugging you, I just did it in my sleep." Michael said a bit embarrassed. "It's fine I didn't hate it or anything.." Before Michael could reply Mrs. Fitzgerald came out looking frazzled from just waking up. "Hey." Jeremy said before yawning.

It was 2 weeks before Christmas, Mrs. Fitzgerald had left for work after they all had chatted for a bit. Before he was going to ask Jeremy about what they should do his phone began to ring. He looked over to see who was calling, it was Henry. He couldn't avoid it so he picked up the phone and walked into the backyard and pressed the answer button. "Michael? Michael? It's Charlie." Michael sighed "Yes hello." He heard a gasp from the other side of the line and it wasn't Charlie's.
"Ok please don't freak out, but I have somebody who wants to talk to you."
"That's fine? I won't freak out over a stranger."
He heard the phone shuffle and assumed it was being passed over to this person. "Michael? Is this really you?" Michael froze, his hands were shaking, he was in shock. He breathed in sharply. "Michael? Hello? Please answer."
"W-what? I-I'm here?"
"Y-yes you are- "
"Elizabeth? W-why are you talking right now? Why aren't you dead?" Michael began to cry, when he talked his voice quivered, "Why are you talking to me?"
"I heard about what was going on, Found Charlie, then found out you were alive."
"Why wouldn't I be alive if you were?"
"Well..I had assumed you..killed yourself."
"Oh. Makes sense, also again why are you talking to me?"
"It's better if we meet in person. Be at Henry's tomorrow at 4:00 pm."
"Maybe? Yes."

When he hung up he was completely sobbing . He hit his head with his hands tears blurring his vision . He heard the back door open, "Michael!" He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. "What happened?"
"I- My sister- she was talking-"
"I'm going to hug you now!"He felt Jeremy's warm arms wrap around him and it calmed him down slightly. "I-I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for!"
"I dragged you into this whole freddy's mess! I-I should've died after- after I" He couldn't go on as he was crying harder. "God no Michael..you deserve to be happy."

Hi! Sorry that it ended so awkwardly. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you would like to see next. Have a wonderful day!

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