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(Michaels POV) (A warning for some gore) As Michael shifted uncomfortably in his desk chair, he heard the front door open, I guess Jeremy's home Michael thought as he got up to greet Jeremy. Before walking out of his room he opened his desk drawer grabbing a hair tie and messily put his hair into a short ponytail. He walked out seeing Jeremy looking more cheerful than usual and raised his eyebrows. "Why are you looking so awfully cheerful?, Did you finally get a girlfriend?" Jeremy looked up lightly bouncing on his feet, "Pfft no! I did in fact get a call from my mom saying she wants us both to come over for the holidays!"
Michael stiffened up at that and said "Why does she want me t-there?" Jeremy's eyes held concern, "Michael ?"
"Um.. yea what?"
Jeremy knew what happened to Michael but never thought to ask where he grew up.

Jeremy knew about about the Freddy establishments and the "missing" kids, he never researched it as he knew he would have questions for Michael and didn't want to make him uncomfortable so he never knew where the murders took place. Jeremy asked Michael this question in a careful tone "Where did you grow up?.."
Michael looked taken aback by this question but answered nonetheless,
"H-hurricane..Where you mom lives .."
"Michael..you don't have to go with me.." Michael tried to look more composed and said "No! No..it's fine.. it would only be a few days..I'll be fine!" Jeremy wasn't convinced but knew Michael was stubborn and just dropped it.

(Time skip to them driving there) (Jeremys POV)
Michael had fallen asleep half way through the drive and Jeremy was lost in his thoughts while driving. Why didn't he tell me where he was from.. I know about what he told me. Like his sister and brother, his terrible Father and the kids , I wouldn't have asked if I knew .. Jeremy thought while taking a right turn. He thinks back to when they first met.

(Flashback to their first meeting)
Jeremy was absolutely angry and terrified at the same time, he stormed out of freddies fuming. He had just confronted his manager of how the animatronics were murderous and he tried to use money to silence him, Jeremy didnt listen and was planning to file a report . He tried to calm himself down but it wasn't doing much. He wasn't looking where he was going and ran into somebody.

He looked up to apologize and he was met with the face of a tall man, he got caught up in the mans features, a face completely devoid of color and almost a sickly pale. Jeremy was slightly concerned , but before he could say sorry the man began to walk away. Jeremy still felt the need to apologize and so he quickly walked over tapping the mans shoulder."Um really sorry about that.." The man looked almost surprised that Jeremy bothered to apologize and replied in a friendly but nervous tone "Um..yea it's fine.."

Jeremy awkwardly nodded his head and began to walk away before the man stopped him "I-I um noticed..you just walked out of Freddie's..kinda angry.."
"Ha.. yea I was.." The man looked curious and said "I'm sorry if this is w-weird but why were you so angry.." Jeremy didn't know what to say to that and knew he was a terrible liar so he replied with "Murderous robots..Um ha ha.." he tried to make it sound like a joke but Jeremy noticed that the man slightly stiffened and gulped.

"You..know about that?" Jeremy was surprised but said "You know too?" The man tried his best to make eye contact but ended up fiddling with his hands and replied nervously "I..know quite a lot about it.." Jeremy's eyes seemed to brighten up slightly and he said "I ..can you tell me what you know?...it's..uh fine if you d-don't want to uh..sorry." He rambled. The man was surprised but replied in a low tone "Yea..um, can we talk somewhere more private?"

They ended up in the mans small apartment and as they walked through the door Jeremy blurted out "I never..caught your name." The man looked hesitant before saying "I'm Michael what's yours ?" Jeremy replied with "I'm Jeremy..Jeremy Fitzgerald." Michael just nodded and lead him over to his desk that was littered with papers. "I um..Tried to get everything I could on Freddie's and the animatronics..so you can look at those.."

Michael walked over to a box beside his bed and tried to discreetly push it back under with his foot and Jeremy pretended not to notice. He's hiding something..why did I even come here! He could be plotting my freaking murder! Jeremy tried to push those thoughts out of his head and instead focused on the papers that were scattered on the desk. He picked up one and it showed the four animatronics that he had protected himself against. He picked up another older looking newspaper that read the headline 4 children missing. Have you seen them? He read more and realized they had gone missing years ago in a now closed down Freddie's. He heard Michael begin to have a strange coughing fit and said "Are you um ..ok?" Michael looked slightly panicked and replied in a raspy voice "Y-yes I'll be right back.." Michael quickly walked out the door. Jeremy assumed he was going to the kitchen to get water but heard him enter the bathroom. Hope he's not sick... Jeremy thought.

He thought back to the box pushed under the bed and pulled it out and rifled through grabbing the first paper he saw. It seemed to be a drawing of a Animatronic he hadn't seen. He put the paper down and instead grabbed a journal that said "what's happening?" He began to read the first page , that damn ennard did something. I don't understand how I'm not dead. The scooper took out my innards . Ennard used my body as a skinsuit. I threw him up and I still didn't die. I'm not decaying anymore . I'm just pale . Jeremy was absolutely confused and scared. He had gotten caught up in his reading he didn't notice the hacking noise coming from the bathroom.

He slowly put everything back in the box and pushed it under the bed with his foot. He carefully and quietly tiptoed his way to outside the bathroom door. He heard gagging sounds and cry's of pain. "M-Michael?" He heard a panicked voice say "I-I'm fine..please don't come in." Jeremy knew that was a blatant lie and he checked the door realizing it was unlocked. He grabbed the knob and turned hearing Michael's panicked voice say "P-please don't come in.." Jeremy was terrified at what he saw. Michael was curled up in the corner facing away from Jeremy and it looked like he was covering his mouth with his hands. There was blood spattered near the toilet and Michael     rasped out "P-please..go I-I'll be out soon.." as Michael finished his sentence he seemed to convulse and heaved over the toilet throwing up blood and wires . Jeremy was horrified and just confused, "M-Michael..." Jeremy didn't know what to say and just stood there. "I-I'm sorry..I kept you waiting.." blood was still at the side of Michaels mouth and he looked exhausted and sick.

"What. The . Fuck" Jeremy said "Was that?" Michael replied in a tired voice "I'll..explain after I clean up.."

Jeremy waited in the living room tapping his foot anxiously. When he heard the bathroom door open he straightened up and tried to stop tapping his foot. Michael trudged out, almost dragging his feet along the hardwood floor. He motioned his hand towards the couch and Jeremy sat down along with Michael. "So..can you explain what that was?" Jeremy said in anticipation. Michael sighed and began to speak about how he was "Dead" and after that Explained why the animatronics got "Quirky" at night.

(Back to the present"
Jeremy sighed at the memory wondering what Michael thought about it. He soon realized he was near his mothers house and said excitedly "Michael wake up we're almost there!" Michael awoke groggily and just nodded not really processing what was going on.

As Jeremy pulled up to his mothers house that was decorated with Christmas lights he said to Michael "Its fine ! She's been waiting to meet you." Michael seemed to loosen up at that and Jeremy knocked on the door.

Author's note! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! And on another note this isn't Jeremichael but maybe later in the story ? Anyways I will have the second chapter out soon, Have a wonderful day!

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