I swear.

343 13 4

TW: mention of suicide attempt, self harm.)

(Michael's POV)

Until the ambulance passed them. Michael tried not to let his fear show, he didn't want to make anyone more panicked than they already were. He took another glance at his younger brother, and felt a stab of sympathy in his chest, how would Chris feel when he woke up? If he woke up that is. Michael pushed those thoughts from his mind, he couldn't afford to think like that right now, he had to focus on waiting for the ambulance and keeping everyone calm.

"What happened before he passed out?" Michael asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Elizabeth looked at him through teary eyes, and spoke in a trembling tone. "He- he said he needed to sit down and he did.. but he stood up and we ..a minute later he was swaying on his feet and just.." She began to sob again and Charlie put a comforting arm around her.

The image of his scarred head burned itself into Michael's mind, and only one thing ran through his head. You did this to him, you hurt him , you killed him- He tried to think as clearly as possible thinking back to when the accident first happened, after Chris "died" , all the research he did into frontal lobe damage, a morbid fascination that was one of the very few things that kept him from going completely insane. Other than his sister of course.

"Did his head hit anything on the way down?"

"I'm not sure, but maybe check his head for blood?" Charlie responded. Michael moved his fingers through Chris's hair, parting it and checking for any wounds as carefully as he could. When he found none he looked back up, and he heard sirens steadily getting closer, and then saw an ambulance pull up.

Michael hated hospitals. For obvious reasons of course, but the cold air, and the dull colors gave him such an off feeling. Like something bad was going to happen. He shifted in his seat, and stood up quickly when the doctor came out.

"Is he going to be alright?"

The doctor looked at him, and a strange look passed over his face. "It's to early to tell, but hopefully he'll pull through. It looks like the heat caused a moderate heatstroke, and due to his medical history, he has moderate brain swelling."

"Is he awake? Can we see him?"

"He's not awake, but if all goes well, he should wake up in a few days."

"He's in a coma?"

"I'm afraid so, but family is allowed to see him. Only two people at a time though."

Of course it was the same room, why wouldn't it be? His little brother ends up in the same damn hospital room because of him for the second time in his life. He hesitates before going in, and let's Elizabeth walk in first. The beeping is familiar, this entire scene is so familiar. His brother, pale and unmoving, except for the steady rise and fall of his chest. The IV in his arm, the machines hooked up to him. Michael was going to be sick. Elizabeth looked at Michael.

"Do you think he'll be alright?"

"Yes. He's ..he's a strong person, I never realized until now though." Michael said, his voice breaking.

"What do you mean?"

"I used to think he was weak, when I was a kid.  He put up with everything I put him through, he stayed kind and caring even when our
Father would scream at him. Even now, he doesn't show hate towards me, he's..he's a truly good person."

Elizabeth went to sit down on one of the chairs by Chris's hospital bed.

"He doesn't hate you. Maybe he doesn't forgive you, not yet."

Michael knew Chris wouldn't forgive him quickly, but it didn't hurt as much because he thought he never deserved to be forgiven for what he did.

"I'm sorry, Elizabeth. I know I've probably said it before, but after what I did to him, when we were kids I know I must've freaked you out when I uh..when I y'know."

"You scared me Michael, I was terrified. Now, you..I know you've changed. I know that, but you still get hurt quite a lot huh?" Elizabeth said sharply.

"Not like I used to, I haven't gotten hurt that way for a while." He said quietly.

Silence between them stretched for hours, Elizabeth dozed off, and Michael got a text from Clay.

I'm sorry about your brother, but I have to ask you a few questions about the case . Right now.

Michael didn't want to leave his brother, he really didn't, but he also didn't want Clay to arrest him for "withholding information".

He tapped Elizabeth to wake her up.

"Clay needs to ask me some questions, and I don't want him to come in here and arrest me so I have to go. Please, make sure he's alright?"

She nodded sleepily and he walked out the door. He arrived in the waiting room and Clay stood up immediately, He gestured for Michael to follow him and led him to his car.

"I don't want to force you into an interrogation room, because of your brother so if you answer honestly you can just walk right back in."

Clay sat in the drivers sit, Michael next to him.

"First off, I know that you know what those cuts on the victims arms mean. I need you to tell me, or else I may need to arrest you and hold you for 24 hours."

Michael, really, really did not want to admit this. Especially not to Clay, in this muggy cop car in a hospital parking lot, while his brother was in a coma.

"I don't believe it would be useful information, William was just mocking me. That's all."

"I swear Michael, tell me what they were, what they really mean. I don't want to arrest you while your brother is in a coma but I will if I have to." He briskly said, staring at Michael with cold yet familiar anger.

"I attempted suicide after what I did to my brother! I have to go back now alright? Just fucking stop."

"I didn't hear about it, give me the real fucking reason!" He cruelly stated.

"William hushed it up, okay? I wasn't in the hospital long, since I didn't do it right okay? I'm not lying , I swear." Michael snapped.

Clay looked as though he just kicked a puppy, the look in his eyes was one of guilt, and regret.

"Jesus..I..Michael." He said, sighing, and looking away.

"Have any other questions? Or did you want to accuse me of murder again?"

"No, I..was wrong . I may have gone too far with you."

"Sure." He said bitterly, opening the car door and getting out. He heard Clay say wait, but he just kept walking.

A/N: IM BACK BABBBYYY!!! If you couldn't tell, I did half of this chapter a long time ago and I just did the other half so the writing may be a bit weird?? Anyway, updates will be more consistent, and I will most likely update every two weeks,hopefully once a week! I actually did some research on frontal lobe damage for this chapter, so I learned some stuff. Anyway, let me know what you think, and have a wonderful day! 😎 Peace out!

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