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(Trigger warning: cussing,mention of suicide attempt

(Michael's POV)

He opened his eyes,but was still tired. It's not a common known fact but Michael has absolutely no filter when he wakes up. He tends to say things, then realize and regret it minutes later. His eyes were half closed when he sat up and saw Jeremy on the other side of the room sitting in a chair. "G'morning, darling." Jeremy quite literally almost fell out of his chair. "Huh?" Michael still hadn't registered what he said and was confused as to why Jeremy was freaked out. Jeremy quickly gathered himself. "Did you hit your head?" Jeremy said, trying to find an explanation. "What?" Michael replied now completely confused. "Did you uh..hit your head back when we were there?" Jeremy asked. "No..I don't know why your asking thi-..oh." It seemed to hit him in the face what he said. "Oh um- I'm sorry- I didn't mean to call you that." Michael said stumbling over his words. "No no it's fine." Jeremy replied his head turned downward to hide his blush.

When Michael stood up his whole world spun, and Jeremy had to steady him. "I'm really sorry by the way." Michael said, guilt evident in his voice. "It wasn't your fault." Jeremy said firmly, determined that Michael won't blame himself. Michael found no point in arguing but still blamed himself. "Before we go out, um I need to ask you something." Jeremy muttered. "Yea?" Michael said back, a little confused as to what he was going to say. "Henry..he told me things that you told him." Michael tensed a little bit at that, and felt that Henry had betrayed his trust. "Are they true?" Jeremy said quietly. "It depends. What did he tell you?" Jeremy looked like he didn't want to say it. "He said you-he said you tried to kill yourself." Michael felt betrayed Henry told Jeremy these things. "Oh, well not really..technically yes but-" Jeremy cut him off my putting his finger on his lips, shushing him. "It's fine, I'm not going to get mad or anything, but uh.. I'm here if you need me y'know?"

When Michael walked out, Henry was sitting at the table sipping coffee, the others asleep on the couch. Henry looked up and gave a small wave. Michael walked over trying to be as quiet as possible. "I need to speak with you, outside." Michael whispered quietly only Henry hearing him.

"So what do you need to talk to me about?" Henry said. "You had absolutely no right to tell Jeremy those things, he didn't need to know that." Michael replied, anger evident in his voice. "I'm sorry but- you shouldn't have been lying to him like that." Michael felt extremely betrayed. "I didn't lie to him! I just, didn't tell him. I wouldn't lie to him." Henry sighed. "Do you trust him?" Henry said, his voice firm.

"Of course I do."

"Then why didn't you tell him?" When Henry said that Michael uncomfortably began to fiddle with his hands.

"Stop questioning me, I trust him."

"I can't trust that."

"Just trust me for once in you life." Michael regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. He knew what those words meant to Henry, and he knew he fucked up.

"We're done talking Michael. Go inside." He said, his voice raised slightly. Michael flinched away and made his way inside.

Elizabeth was still reading, and Jeremy stood near a chair. "Michael?..is everything okay?" He whispered as to not disturb Elizabeth. "Everything is fine, really don't worry." Michael whispered back. "I have to leave okay? I'm not sure when I'll be back but there's nothing to worry about." Michael whispered trying to be as quiet as possible. Jeremy pulled him by the arm back into a bedroom. "What? You can't..why?" Michael sighed knowing he wouldn't react well. "I just have to deal with something okay? I know this is out of nowhere but it's important, I'll be fine." Jeremy looked like he wanted to cry. "Michael the last time you went off by yourself you almost died. Please don't do this." Michael wanted to comfort him, tell him everything would be okay but he couldn't lie to him.

"I have to."

"Please Michael don't do this to yourself."

"I have to leave now."

Jeremy stood by the front door watching Michael walk out, Elizabeth had gone into the backyard to talk to Henry so she wasn't aware of the situation.

Jeremy walked after him and grabbed him arm.

"Please, I know I can't make you stay but come home safe. I can't lose you. Promise me, promise you'll be okay."

"I can't promise that." Michael replied with a pained smile. With that he walked off.

He didn't want to be here. This house holds all those painful memories, all those sleepless nights, all the yelling. Everything. The house wasn't in terrible condition although everything had a thick layer of dust on it. I just need to look through his office then I can get out of here. Michael thought to himself. The floor boards were still creaky and he flinched when he heard them creak as he stepped on them. He walked down the hallway looking into each room. His breath caught in his throat when he opened the door to his brother's room. It was still the same it had been the day he died. Michael quickly closed the door and kept walking down the hallway.

He soon was is front of his father's office. He shuddered, terrified at what he would find. He was never allowed to go in when he was living here, he had no idea what horrors layed beyond this door. He opened the door and flinched when it creaked. The office looked pretty normal, just very messy. He looked through some of the papers but found nothing of interest. A big purple carpet was in the middle of the room and when Michael walked on it, he felt a bump. What could he have hidden under here.. Michael thought to himself as he rolled the carpet up. A trapdoor with a dirty handle was revealed and Michael sighed. It won't be too bad. He thought as he opened and climbed down the ladder.

When he reached the bottom he noticed immediate red flags, there were unfinished animatronics he hadn't seen before, not to mention the 4 computer monitors that had cameras of the house, and they were all turned on. Somebody could still be here. Michael thought. Before he could turn around he heard a voice behind him.

"Michael..it's been so long."

Better Left Behind. (Michael Afton AU)Where stories live. Discover now