Long time no see. And wholesome hugging!

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(Trigger warning for suicidal thoughts and ideation also cussing .also a warning for self harm, kinda accidental self harm though ??)In this AU I call CC Chris, I know it's not Canon that's just what I call him. It's fine if you have a different head canon!)
(Michael's POV)

After Michael had calmed down he and Jeremy went back into the house. They sat down next to each other, Jeremy almost leaning on Michael. "You said something about your sister?"
"Oh yea.. I did"
"What about her?"
"Charlie called me and uh..handed the phone over to her."
"But I thought-" Michael interjected before he could finish his sentence, "Yea I- I thought so too."
"Wait .. That means you guys were talking?"
"Yea um..she said too go to Henry's at 4 tomorrow and I..don't think I can."
"Why not?..shes your sister."
"So much happened other than Chris. I.."
"I'll go with you."

As they stood outside Henry's door Michael was as pale as a ghost. "It's fine..it'll be fine Michael." Michael knocked on the door his hand shaking. He never prayed, he didn't even believe in god but he did at that moment pray and hope Elizabeth wouldn't answer the door first. His prayers were not answered. When the door opened she was there. She seemed sad almost. "Michael?" Michael held in all the emotions threatening to spill over when he replied, "Yes?..wait are we late?" She almost smiled "No..your right on time." She lead them both inside, "Henry and Charlie should be out soon, also who's your friend?" Michael looked over at Jeremy who wasn't uncomfortable just curious. "That's uh Jeremy." Jeremy looked at Elizabeth, "Hi, it's nice to meet you." Elizabeth looked surprised Michael had managed to maintain a relationship "It's nice to meet you too."

They all sat down at the dining table. "S-so um..what have you two been up too." Elizabeth said awkwardly,not really knowing what to say to her presumed dead brother. "Oh you know..working at Freddie's and stuff. Really b-boring stuff." Elizabeth looked surprised as this , "Why would you do that?" Shit. I can't tell anyone it just wouldn't end well. I'm not on a phone call this time I can't hang up. I'll have to lie. "Reasons." Jeremy was aware of what happened when Michael worked there, he had some ideas as to why he would work there, and none of them were good. "I see .."

(Elizabeth's POV)

Why won't he just give me a reason? And why would he even work there? Any Freddie's place is a death trap! The last two people to work at the nearest location (circus baby's) both died horribly! I'll ask him which Freddie's he worked at.. She sighed, "Which Freddie's were you working at? Just wondering.."
Michael looked uncomfortable at this question, not knowing if she knew about the night technician who was scooped and his body that was never found.

(Michael's POV)

This time I can't lie..it should be fine, I went under a fake name there, she won't know, she'll assume I was there before . But the only reason I was hired was because the night technician before me was murdered. Like all the others. She might think I quit? And that's why somebody else was hired? I'll have to do that.. "Oh I worked at the C-circus's baby's place." She almost shivered, "Didn't the two most recent night technicians die?" Michael hands were balled into fists under the table his nails digging into his hands almost drawing blood. "Y-yea, I-I was there be-fore them." His nails dug farther into his hand and drew a few drops of blood.

(Elizabeth's POV)

He only stutters gets when he's stressed or lying.. why would he need to lie? Why can't he just tell me the truth? Before Elizabeth could reply Henry and Charlie walked out.

(Henry's POV)

When they walked in the tension was so thick he could cut it with a knife. What happened in here? It's so tense.. "Hello!"  They all greeted each other, Henry and Charlie sitting down at the table. "So what were you three discussing?" Charlie asked. Elizabeth was the first to speak up, "We we're talking about how Michael was working at Freddie's." Charlie wasn't aware of this and she looked surprised. "Why would you work there?" Michael tensed, Charlie had a weird way of staring into someone's soul, she could tell if somebody had good or bad intentions for themselves or those around them. "Just u-uh you know..reasons." The topic was dropped.

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