Slight problem.

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(I know it's been a long time, and I'm really, really sorry! I'll try to update more frequently, Enjoy!)

"I think we have a problem." He choked out. Michael  went towards him, his face      immediately taking on a look of concern.

"What's wrong?"

"That guy- Clay I think his name was..yea so, a guy is dead. He called me, apparently some messages were left on the s-scene. He wants us to come check it out."

"Right now?"

"Yea um..your brother..should come too. Some things were left on the scene that- that um..he should just come with us." He sounded like he wanted to say something more, but decided against it. Chris stood up, looking a bit disturbed.

"There's been..a murder?" He stuttered out.

"Yea. I'll catch you up on this whole thing later okay? "

"Alright.." Chris said, slightly off put.

The car ride was short, but full of tension, the second they parked Clay came up to the window, and pointed toward Michael. Michael got out, wincing slightly as his joints ached.

"Michael, come with me. The rest of you stay in here for now." Chris gave him a strange look but he nonetheless followed Clay to the scene.

"I think this is personal." Clay said, his voice tense.

"How do you know?"

"Just go take a look." Clay sighed. Michael ducked under the yellow tape, the second he laid eyes on the body, he sucked in a breath, and took a quick step back. Teeth marks ran Across the mans forehead, dry blood covering his sleeves.

"Multiple straight cuts were found on his upper arms, very precise. He died from a stab wound to the heart, the bite on his head was postmortem. Only one of the animatronics could create a bite mark like it. You would know."

"I sure would." He snapped. Clay glared at him, before stepping over to his side.

"The bite mark is an obvious message to you, taunting you probably. Any idea what the cuts on his arm could mean? They could just be plain torture though.." Clay asked, trailing off. Michael took a few steps away from him.

"You're right, probably just torture." He lied.

"Michael, I've been a cop for a long time, I can tell when people lie." He said, his voice becoming slightly hostile.

"It's..nothing important." He shrugged.

"This is a murder investigation! You will tell me what the hell it could mean." He shouted, his raising voice making Michael flinch.

"It means nothing." He said, his voice raising slightly. Clay walked away, Michael just stared at the body. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and froze. Was it happening again? Were the paramedics going to take away his brother? Would Elizabeth scream and cry at him till she passed out? Would father drag him into-

"Michael!" He was snapped back to the present, and saw Henry's concerned face in front of him.

"What?" He said, his voice hoarse.

"You weren't responding.." Henry said slowly.

"Oh. Uh..sorry about that."

"I know this must be hard so if-"

"I'm fine. I don't need help." He said it a bit too sharply and Henry looked a bit taken aback by his tone.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." He sighed, looking at his feet. "But I'm really fine." Henry just looked at him with worried eyes, then walked away to go speak with Clay. When Michael turned around, Chris was standing there, an unknown look in his eyes.

"Michael." He quietly."


"Who..did this?" His voice sounded scared.

"Father probably."

"He's dead." Chris said, confused.

"Well see..he's not."

"What?" He replied.

"Just..come sit down." Michael said while Leading Chris to a nearby bench.

"You know he was springlocked right?"

"Yes?" He said slowly, trying to make sense of it.

"Well he didn't exactly die- he's still y'know..a corpse, but he's still here. He's been causing..issues. I know this is really really..unbelievable but it's true." Michael said quickly.

"I uh..I mean okay I believe you but..that's like majorly fucked up."

Michael shifted uncomfortably, "Hey..uh it's alright if you don't want to talk to me?"

"What?" Chris said, looking up.

"It's fine if- if you don't want to speak with me. I understand completely." Michael stammered.

"I don't think I understand."

"It's fine if you don't want to be around me okay? I did really, really unforgivable things and I..I understand if you don't want to be around me. I know you like speaking with the others and..yea." He said quickly, while fiddling with his hands nervously.

"I..I don't understand why you did what you did but-..but I don't hate you. I called you because you're the first person I wanted to speak to."

"Oh. Well, that's cleared up now." Michael said awkwardly while standing up.

"I have to go do something, be back in a second. Probably." Michael quickly walked away before Chris could respond, he went back to Henry's car and saw Jeremy leaning on it, his eyes staring ahead at nothing.

"Jeremy? You okay there?" Jeremy seemed to break out of his daze and turned to face Michael.

"Yea. Just thinking."

"About what?" Michael asked, a little concerned.


"What?" His voice was quiet, but sounded surprised.

"Have you ever dated anyone?"

"Uh, no. I never really felt that way about anyone." Except you. He added on in his head.

"I like you." Jeremy said, barely more than a whisper.

"Yea, we're friends. It'd be kinda weird if you didn't." Michael let out a nervous laugh.

"No! Michael you don't get it I lo-"

"Michael, Jeremy! Chris passed out!" Elizabeth shouted while running towards them.

"What? Is he okay?" Michael's eyes widened slightly.

"I don't know! Come on!" She sounded close to tears and ran off, Michael and Jeremy in pursuit. Michael wanted to throw up when he saw his little brother laying on the ground, he looked pale and a sheen of sweat covered his forehead. His hair was pushed off his forehead, and Michael got a good look at the healed scar tissue and bite marks along it.

"I just called 911, they should be here soon." Henry said, his voice firm. His eyes gave away what his voice did not, concern.

"Should we prop him up?" Jeremy suggested, his tone worried.

"Yea, yea that's..a good idea." Michael kneeled down next to him, and propped him up against a tree, it wasn't ideal but they couldn't do much other than wait for the paramedics to arrive.

The sirens blaring in the distance made Michael let out a relieved breath.

Until the ambulance passed them.

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