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(Just a warning for self harm and talk of abuse and panic attacks) Michael was frozen in place as he stared at the woman in front of him. He couldn't process that she was right there, he was terrified. She seemed to have a look of pure fear but it quickly turned to surprise. Michael shook himself out of his frozen state and bolted to the bathrooms. Just as he made his way to the bathroom door Jeremy walked out, Michael didn't even notice and just quickly walked in slamming the door behind him. "Michael?..." Jeremy exclaimed in a worried tone, "Is something wrong?" Michael didn't answer and let himself slide down the wall.
He put his head between his knees, his breathing speeding up. Jeremy knocked on the door and Michael flinched.
Too loud damn it. I can't go out there. Shit shit shit shit.., Michael thought panicked.

(Jeremy's POV)
What the hell? Why won't he answer? Jeremy thought extremely concerned for his friend. He heard fast and ragged breathing coming from inside the bathroom and he knocked trying to get Michael to come out.

(Charlie's POV) (that's who he saw in the store)
Was that Michael ? I thought he died! I have to talk to him. Charlie quickly walked around the store trying to find him. She made her way to the bathroom and saw a man outside the door knocking. "Hey! Have you seen a man, tall,pale,brown hair?" The man turned around and a look of confusion came over his face, "You mean Michael?..." Charlie looked surprised and wondered how this guy knew him. "Do you know where he is?.." The man debated whether or not to tell her, "He' in here..he ran in and won't come out.." She walked straight up to the bathroom door and knocked loudly,She heard ragged breathing from inside and only knocked harder. "How do you um..know him?" The man asked quietly. "We were friends years ago..a lot happened." The man decided not to question farther.

(Michaels POV) He heard Charlie's loud knocking and panicked trying to hold his head with his hands as if it would block out the knocking. He began to scratch his arm continuously until it was bleeding. Damn it. Damn it! I can't go out what the fuck do I do! He attempted to calm himself with breathing exercises he learned but that plan failed when he heard a voice outside the door. "Michael! Open the door right now Damn it!" He pulled his sleeve down and panicked knowing if he didn't come out Charlie would surely lockpick the door open. He stood up shakily and put his bleeding arm under the water. He heard the lock shake and clatter . The door opened.

(Charlie's POV) She has successfully lockpicked the lock. She opened the door and was met with a concerning sight. Michael had his bleeding arm under the water In the sink. Once he realized she opened the door he yanked his sleeve down quickly and turned around. Jeremy has been behind Charlie this whole time and he had a look of pure concern. Charlie began to walk closer to Michael but he attempted to walk farther away trying to edge his way away from her grasp. She immediately grabbed his arm and spoke up, "Michael?" He realized she wouldn't let him go, "Yes..."
"Answer me honestly."
"Why did you run from me?"
He looked down at that and mumbled "I-I couldn't."
"Couldn't what?"
"I couldn't face you ."
He looked up and Charlie looked into his eyes her heart feeling heavy after seeing his eyes no longer held happiness. An extremely confused and concerned Jeremy stood in the doorway.

(Jeremy's POV) Jeremy felt scared and concerned for his friend. He decided he wouldn't interfere as this woman didn't seem like a threat. He was met with a sight he didn't ever want to see, His closest friend had hurt himself, purposely. The woman held his arm and kept him standing there.

(Michael POV)
Charlie held Michael's bleeding arm firmly and she spoke up once again, "I need you to answer me honestly ok?" He nodded. Her tone was still firm but held concern and a hint of regret. "How did your arm get like that?" What am I going to tell her? Jeremy knows when I lie and she would probably see right through me. He thought debating on what to say. "I-I hurt." Charlie looked straight into his eyes and he shivered feeling as if she was staring into his soul. "I know your lying, just tell me."
"I told you I got hurt, Just drop it okay?"
"I'm not going to drop it, your my friend!"
"We haven't talked in years, I wouldn't call that friendship." Charlie looked hurt at that and dropped his arm.

(Jeremy's POV)
Jeremy stood in the doorway, watching this whole ordeal go down. She must be one of his old friends.. Jeremy thought attempting to piece together what the situation was. Jeremy walked forward past the woman and tried to hold Michael's arm, He flinched and pulled away. "Michael.." His tone of voice was filled to the brim with concern and a hint of pain. Michael cringed at his tone of voice. Charlie stood back letting them have this moment. Michael appeared to be on the verge of a breakdown.

(Charlie's POV) "We need to talk..somewhere more private." Charlie interrupts their strange moment. Michael has look of understanding and holds his arm. Charlie motions with her head to the exit. They all walked across the store receiving strange and concerned looks from passerby.

Charlie lead them to her car . "We need to talk..back at my home.""I'll get back to my Mother's place and let her know you'll be back soon." Jeremy mumbled not wanting to intrude on their car ride. As Jeremy walked back towards his car Charlie opened the front door for Michael as she slid into the drivers seat. Michael sat stiffly as Charlie turned the key the engine roared to life. "You know when you first left the police looked for a year." Michael looked down, "I-I didn't leave. I didn't mean too." He had "ran away" after a certain event Happened with Henry. "You know..Henry said he yelled at you.. and you bolted away." Michael had a unidentifiable expression on his face. The rest of the ride was spent in silence.

(Michael's POV)
He followed Charlie up the driveway into the familiar house. It's where he had so many happy memories, but so many painful ones.
"You uh..don't have to worry, my dad is out looking at mechanical parts..he should be back in an hour or two." She motioned for him to sit down on the couch and and he sat down stiff, she joined him a moment later. "Tell me why."
"Tell you what?"
"You know what I mean Michael...Why you ran away all those years ago."
"I told you..I didn't "run away"
Charlie sighed, "Just explain what happened."
Michael looked down and began to explain, "Henry was driving me to your place..Because after..the..bite... William got physical."
Charlie had a look of pain cross her face but said nothing, letting him continue. "He was
breathing heavily and ...just overall panicked" Michael paused before continuing, "He pulled over..and he was just completely panicking and I..I tried to comfort him..he hit my hand away and ..yelled really loud..too loud..I.." Michael's head hung down and he couldn't continue. Charlie was still wondering what happened after and why he never came back.

(Henry's POV) He parked his car in the driveway noting that Charlie was home. He grabbed his bags that were filled with scrap metal and screws. He walked up to the front door and as he grabbed the knob he heard frantic footsteps that he didn't recognize, He took a minute to listen to who it could be. "Michael!" He heard Charlie half-yell . "You are not leaving now!" He heard her say loudly in a firm tone. He quickly opened the door and was met with a strange sight. Charlie holding A man's arm and the man looking extremely panicked. The man took one look at Henry and tried to grapple away from Charlie to run. Henry took a look at this man and realization dawned on him. It's Michael! Oh my.. "Stop trying to run away damn it" Michael sighed "Fine! Just let go!" Charlie let go of him arm , the sleeve has a red stain on it. "Michael?..." Henry said in almost shock. "I- yes- T-that's me." Henry overcome by emotion fast-walked over to hug Michael. Michael flinched and pulled away extremely fast.

(Michaels POV)
He quickly backed away after Henry attempted to hug him. His mind was racing with thoughts and he couldn't seem to calm down. He stood back to the wall. Charlie spoke up "I saw him at the" Henry was confused and a bit guilty.

Hello! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you thought in the comments! Have a wonderful day everybody!

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