Nightmare (Part 2)

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Heyy! You guys wished for the second part, so here it is 😄❤️
I hope you'll enjoy! 🥰


When Stefani woke up, she found herself lying on top of Bradley, who was still asleep. Her head was buried in the crook of his neck, and his arms were tightly wrapped around her.

It was still dark outside and they had to start filming soon, but Stefani didn't even want to wake him up when she saw how peacefully he was sleeping.

This was probably the most peaceful night for her in a very long time as well. When Bradley was there with her, she felt protected and didn't have to worry about any nightmares at all.

She literally slept like a baby through the whole night.

Suddenly, she began thinking about those three words he had said to her last night when he thought she was already asleep. The three beautiful words she longed to say back to him, but was too scared to do so.

But he was sleeping now, so she had a chance to say it back without him even knowing.

She rested her chin on his chest and looked at him. He was lightly snoring in his sleep, his hair was messy and Stefani couldn't help but admit that this Jackson look was making him look really hot.

Her cheeks flushed a little as she moved closer to him, putting her hand on his cheek.

"I need to say this to you, B. Even though you are sleeping and will not know I told you... but I can't keep this thing a secret." Stefani began, and her voice was so low, almost unable to be heard, but loud enough for Bradley to hear. He was no longer asleep, but still pretending so. He was really curious what Stefani wanted to tell him.

"I– I heard what you said last night. And what you did afterwards.. but I was too scared to open my eyes and tell you that I love you, too. The timing is not right for us right now, B. Everything is too complicated..." Stefani sighed, her hand making its way to his messy hair.

"We will figure everything out, slowly, gradually.." Bradley suddenly murmured in a hoarse, morning voice and Stefani froze, her eyes widening.

"B, you– you're awake?"

"Mm-hmm. Good morning, Stefani. How did you sleep?" He gave her a sly grin, acting as if nothing had happened. Stefani only stared at him with her mouth opened, not knowing what to say.

"Um, I– good. Actually, the most peaceful night in a long time.." she smiled slightly, her cheeks reddening a little.

"No nightmares?"



"Um.. B, about that thing I said–" Stefani started but was cut off by Bradley flipping them over, now him being on top of her.

"Oh gosh, what are you doing?" She squealed and he leaned in so close that their noses were touching, making her stop breathing for a second.


"B, we have to get ready. The filming is going to start.. everyone will be here soon."

"They will wait." He said in a husky voice, which made her shiver.

"I– Bradley, we can't... the timing is not–" Stefani began saying, but her words were smothered into silence once again when Bradley's lips descended to hers, kissing her tenderly. He needed to feel her lips against his once more.

Stefani smiled into the kiss, her hands finding their way around his neck and into his hair. She then felt him press closer to her, both of them eager for more, getting lost in the moment.

"B, wait–" Stefani suddenly pulled away, catching her breath. "This is not right.. not now. I mean– ugh, it's so complicated." She groaned, burying her head in her palms frustratedly.

Bradley only smiled, grabbed her hand and pulled it away from her face, giving it a gentle kiss. "I know.." he whispered against her knuckles.

"But remember, all good things take time, Stefani. And waiting for you is fucking worth it."

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