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Heyy guys! How are you? I'm finally here with a new update. I apologize for the long wait, but I have been completely without ideas. So if you have any suggestions for a story, you can let me know. 🌹
I hope you'll enjoy this one. Love you! ❤️


"Good morning, honey. Time to get up." Bradley said tenderly, slowly rubbing Stefani's shoulder. He had been up for almost an hour, let the dogs out, prepared breakfast... They usually got up together, but when he saw Stefani sleeping so peacefully, he didn't want to disturb her. But now, he came to wake her up with breakfast in bed.

"B, let me sleep.." Stefani groaned into the pillow.

"It's already ten o'clock, Stef." Bradley chuckled and set the plates down on the nightstand. "I brought you some breakfast." He said in a low voice, smiling.

"I'm not hungry.. actually, I don't feel very good." Stefani mumbled, bringing her blanket higher, covering her face with it. She was just too exhausted and wanted to keep sleeping.

"What? Baby, what's wrong?" Bradley said in concern, pulling the blanket off her face. She then rubbed her eyes, slowly opened them and sighed.

"I don't know, I feel like shit... I just want to sleep." She told him and Bradley then put his hand on her forehead.

"Oh my god Stefani, you're burning up! Come here, you have to take a shower." He moved onto the bed and picked her up bridal style.

"Nooo, Bradley..." She whined as he walked with her into the bathroom. He gently placed her in the bathtub and turned the lukewarm water on.

"Oh shit, it's so cold!" Stefani squealed when the water hit her body.

"It's not, baby.. you feel cold because of the fever. But don't worry, this will help you."

After he was done showering her, he helped her out of the tub and dried her off with a towel.

"Baby, put some clothes on and go lie down. You have to rest now. I'm going to make you some tea and a chicken soup.. that will make you feel better." Bradley walked back into the bedroom with her and she put on his t-shirt, which looked almost like a dress on her petite figure. Bradley grinned at how cute she looked. He loved when she wore his clothes.

"I know you don't feel like eating, but at least try to eat the fruit. You need vitamins right now." He handed her the plate with breakfast and stroked her shoulder, making Stefani smile. He was being so caring, it made her heart melt.

"I will try. Thank you, B." She took a slice of an orange and ate it, slowly lying down on the bed. Bradley covered her with a blanket, tucking her in.

"Just rest, darling. I'll be right back with the tea." He kissed her on the forehead and left the bedroom.

Within ten minutes he came back and saw Stefani already sleeping. He smiled and set the tea on her nightstand, noticing she has eaten the fruit as well. He picked up the plate and lightly stroked her blonde hair, and then walked downstairs to cook the soup for her.


An hour later, Stefani woke up, feeling a little better. She no longer had the fever, but her throat and head were still hurting. She slowly got up from the bed and made her way downstairs to the kitchen, seeing Bradley cooking for her.

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