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Hi guys! Here's a short story I came up with at 1 AM. 🙈
When I read the rumors yesterday that they'll probably sing Shallow together, I had to write something about it. 😄 I really hope they will and that we will finally see them together after such a long time! ❤️
Fingers crossed 🤞🏼🥰
And enjoy the story! 💕


Stefani woke up, feeling a pair of strong arms wrapped around her – arms she always felt safe in.

Slowly, she turned to face her handsome man, who was still sleeping. She ran her fingers over his stubble and kissed him gently on the lips.

"Hmm... don't get up yet, baby.. five more minutes." Bradley said in his raspy, morning voice, his eyes still closed. He held her even tighter now, not letting her go.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Stefani asked with a smile and Bradley then slowly opened his eyes too. Seeing her like this, waking up beside her every day was truly a moment worth living for.

"So ready.. are you?" He caressed her cheek and kissed her nose, which made Stefani giggle.

"Yeah, but also very nervous." She admitted and snuggled closer to him.

"Don't be, everything will be okay. I can't wait to sing with you again." He mumbled into her hair, his hand soothingly running up and down her back.

They were supposed to sing Shallow... for the first time in almost two years, in front of the whole world, together.

"Me too." Stefani said in a sweet voice. "You think people will be happy?" She asked uncertainly.

"Of course they will, Stef. They have been waiting for us for a long time, don't you think? I think they will be delighted to finally see us together. Don't worry about anything." Bradley calmed her down and she nodded.

"You're right, B. Tonight will be great." She grinned at him and kissed him on the lips once again.

"I can't wait to finally show my beautiful girlfriend to the whole world." Bradley said proudly and Stefani laughed.

"But if we don't get up, we will be late, so c'mon my handsome boyfriend, get your cute ass out of the bed and let's get ready, the world is waiting for us." Stefani nudged Bradley with her elbow and he chuckled, both then getting out of the bed.

"They'd better get ready for us."

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