Chapter nine: Maisy takes on Eric

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Rewritten | Ten

After Eric stormed out, the rest of the video remained unwatched. It became too much.

The lawyer also handed them letters and other memorabilia, individually that they looked over. Besides Eric, who claimed he would rather set himself on fire.

So the next day, understandably, was a bit dreary for the adult Rose siblings. Which, made absolutely no sense to Maisy when she woke up with an upbeat attitude.

"G'morning, Beauy!" She happily greeted as she skipped into the kitchen, her tummy grumbling for a yummy breakfast.

Beau was in a zombie-like state as he sipped his coffee, barely acknowledging Maisy's cheerful mood. He spent the whole night reading the letter over and over, too restless to sleep.

"Beauy," Maisy stopped in place when she saw his solemn expression, remembering the last time she saw him looking like that. "Why're you sad?"

"I'm not sad, Mais." It wasn't entirely a lie. "I'm just tired."

Maisy tried to use a serious parental voice, just like he does whenever she needs him. And as much as she usually fights him on it, Beau is usually right. "Maybe you need a nap."


Maisy stared at him, a horrified expression spreading across her face as she realized what he had just suggested. "CASSIDY!"

Her yell was so sudden, that Beau flinched. But, he didn't have much time to react. The girl was gone in a flash, running to her older sister for help.

Startled by the impact of Maisy hugging her legs, Cassidy looked around them for a sigh of danger. She had been coming out of the bathroom to go get herself a helping of eggs but didn't expect to be nearly tackled. "What happened?"

"Beauy's sick!" It was the only explanation Maisy could think of. Only someone who is ill would willingly wish for a nap.

Cassidy chuckled at her innocence, she had just seen her twin a few minutes ago. He was perfectly fine, just a little groggy. "What?"

"Beauy's sick," Maisy stressed, pulling on her sister's shirt. She didn't understand why Cassidy wasn't reacting. "He wants to take a nap!"

Cassidy laughed at her ridiculous assumptions, walking into the kitchen while Maisy continued to pull her along with a concerned expression.

Beau's gaze lazily followed them as they entered, continuing to sip his coffee. He was only physically present.

"Beau," She grabbed herself a mug, pouring herself some caffeine. The bags beneath her eyes matched Beaus, she was just better at hiding her exhaustion. "Maisy says you're sick."

"I'm not sick, Maisy." Beau sighed as he set down his mug, going to the fridge in search of some suitable food for the child. "What do you want for breakfast?"

This only caused her suspicions to raise.

Maisy spent a majority of the day 'nursing Beau back to health.' In her own special way, of course.

"Eat your medicine!"

She had draped a blanket over him as he lay on the couch, being the best doctor she could be. That also meant continuously force-feeding him tic-tacs as medicine. "Bad Beauy. Get better!"

Maisy smacked the top of his head and shoved another tic-tac at him, waiting for him to eat it. But he only took it from her and pretended to eat it, holding it in his hand with the other four.

"Mais—" Beau was quite tired. From not sleeping and just overall mentally drained. "—Honey, I'm cured. Thank you."

Although she didn't believe him, she decided to leave him alone anyways to rest. That way, he could recharge on his own.

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