Guess what book is COMPLETED?!

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  (Look at the bottom 😭)

Hey guys!

Guess what book is finished??

[faint sounds of crickets because I'm talking to no one in particular]

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[faint sounds of crickets because I'm talking to no one in particular]

That's right people, Little Miss Maisy has been wrapped. It has finally reached COMPLETION!

*I just wanted to send it out there, I know some people add books to their reading lists to read when they're finished.*

I hope everyone enjoyed it, reading through this book might've taken a while so if you've made it to this point, I thank you.

I don't know if people are actually reading this-That's cool.


[End questionnaire:]

Who was your favorite sibling?

Did you like the couples/ships? Which one was your favorite?

Favorite event/chapter?

Teddy or Bubbles?

Did you like this book?

How would you rate this story?

Sawyer or Amber?

Who was your LEAST favorite character?

What's your favorite song?

Any other comments or questions?

How were those bonuses?

Don't forget to check out the deleted scenes!!


If someone is reading this, thank you for reading this book. Really, in all seriousness. I appreciate your support.

Until next time readers.



(Also quick thing: I'm writing another book called 'Dancing In The Rain' that can be found on my profile if you'd like to possibly check that out as well please, thanksssssss bye!)

~From here I wish you the best of luck, also quit procrastinating on whatever you should be doing because I know y'all have schoolwork~

~From here I wish you the best of luck, also quit procrastinating on whatever you should be doing because I know y'all have schoolwork~

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Look where we are now 🤧

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