Chapter eighteen: Everyone has their own battles

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"Okay?! So you don't support me?!"

Cassidy glared at Beau, they're usually very close, but that bond slips sometimes.

It didn't start out as a fight, but it was quickly moving towards one. Cassidy had mentioned that the other owner of the restaurant wanted to sign their ownership over to Cassidy; Granting her full ownership.

And Beau didn't think it was a good idea. Which sparked the argument.

"I never said that I don't support you! I'm just saying that it isn't a good idea." Beau and Cassidy were in the kitchen, and Maisy was watching Moana in the living room, hearing every word.

"No, you're saying you don't trust my judgement! I know what I'm doing and I SURE AS HELL DON'T NEED ANY APPROVAL FROM YOU!"

Maisy flinched at the echo of Cassidys yell, yelling made her nervous. Even as a four year old you can distinguish happy yelling from angry yells.

"Maisy, why don't you come upstairs." Eric whispered to her from the stairs, knowing the yelling was making her anxious. He hated the yelling too.

Maisy didn't argue and grabbed Teddy before she followed him.

Eric brought her to his room, and closed the door behind them to muffle the yelling.

"Why're they mad? Did I do something?" Maisy had some tears in her eyes, scared of why they were yelling. She didn't know a few of the words they used, grownup words she calls them. Not to be confused with Bad Words.

"You didn't do anything. They just...don't agree on something right now." Eric didn't know exactly what to tell her, of course they're mad. For whatever reason, they think it's a good idea to tell about it with Maisy here.

"Come here, lemme show you something." Eric grabbed his wireless headphones and put them over Maisys head, adjusting them a little so they would fit. The better they fit, the better they could drown out more of the yelling.

"What's this?" Maisy touched the weird object that hung over her ears, Eric stopped her from taking it off and turned on the Moana soundtrack, her favorite movie.

Maisys eyes widened at the sound and looked up at Eric in awe, wondering if he heard what was happening. "Eric!" He shushed her but smiled at how happy it made her. "I know, I know. You like it?" Maisy nodded and placed her hands over the ear part, listening to her songs.

•.                                  •.                                      •.

"Maisy honey, do you want some ravioli for dinner? Oh, maybe I shouldn't cook it though because I can't handle such responsibility."  Cassidy glared at Beau as she grabbed the ingredients out.

"Would you drop it already? I never said I don't believe in you." Beau grabbed silverware for dinner out, and Maisy backed away a couple of steps sensing another fight.

"You say that, but that's all I feel from you. I can do this. Why don't you see that?" Cassidy paused from grabbing the sauce out of the pantry, setting it down harder than necessary.

"Cassidy now isn't the time to talk-" Beau tried to stop the argument from going any further, but Cassidy insisted.

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