Chapter thirty-eight: We're almost there

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"Maisy, come here!" Amber patted the floor to make a little noise, but in retaliation Sawyer jingled her metal bracelets together and talked a little louder.

"No Maisy, come here to your favorite, yeah?"

"This is stupid, she doesn't even care." Eric quickly lost interest and went back to his phone to text some girl.

Amber and Sawyer sat on opposite sides of the rug, while Maisy sat in the middle brushing off Teddy.

Eric, Miles and Cassidy were watching from the couch, waiting to see if their sister really did have a favorite girlfriend.

"I don't have a favo-wit." Maisy didn't even bother to look up, instead she focused her attention on brushing the fluff off Teddy.

Miles dropped him in between the couch when he was looking for the remote. Losing his privileges to hold Teddy for a while.

"Come on, I thought you said you liked me the best? Maybe we could even make cookies later..." Sawyer pointed at Amber then looked at Maisy before dramatically raising her voice.

"Hey! That's bribery! Don't you want your favorite to be someone who doesn't have to pay you off?" Sawyer gave Maisy a look, trying to convince her.

Maisy dramatically sighed and climbed onto the couch to sit on Cassidys lap instead. "You guys are berry tiring."

Cassidy smiled at the two grown women attempting to win over the love and affection of Maisy, the little girl who will love anyone with all of her heart.

"Maybe you could go color with Eric for a little while, maybe he'll even let you color on his hands again." Cassidy whispered to Maisy, while smirking at Eric who was still staring at his phone.

Maisy's face lit up at the idea, and jumped over onto Eric to drag him away.

"Yeah! I can do butterflies and flowers and-" Eric looked at Cassidy with big confused eyes as Maisy dragged him to the kitchen to grab her markers that were now up high because of a recent incident.

Maisy knew better than to color on the walls, but apparently she didn't know it's not okay to color on the tablecloth.

Their white tablecloth with the faint patterns etched on it now held a beautiful original landscape piece by Maisy herself.

After the two youngest siblings left, leaving the rest of them sitting for an extra moment of silence.

•.                                         •.                                   •.

"Woah there, since when did I agree to this?"

Maisy kept a firm grip on Eric's hand, finishing the final scribbles of a small butterfly.

"Since I said so. Sit still mister, you're gonna mess it up." Maisy snatched his hand back when Eric tried to pull away again, and scribbled another little flower near her baby butterfly.

Eric frowned but couldn't bring himself to stand up to the little girl. "You'll be the death of me, child."

Maisy stopped coloring to shoot him a dirty look. "M' not a child. You're a child, I'm a lady."

Eric looked at her amused as she went back to finishing her masterpiece. "Yes, I'm the child."

"The one who is sitting and watching a four year old, and is in college-But nOoO!" Eric winced and stopped when Maisy smacked him.

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