Chapter twenty-one: The calm before the storm

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"Maybe, I don't think-" Beau was interrupted by an ear piercing cry from upstairs. "Maisy?!"

Beau quickly made his way up the stairs and picked Maisy up off the floor of the hallway, Miles followed behind them, wondering what was going on, but made a face when he saw Eric in the bathroom.

"Maisy, shh. What's wrong?" Beau didn't realize what was happening as he scooped up Maisy, but Miles had a pretty good idea from what Eric was doing in the bathroom. He was knelt over the toilet heaving up his breakfast.

"S-stuff came out of Eric's mouth!" Maisy sounded terrified, considering she's never really been sick before it made sense. The most she's experienced was a small case of the sniffles.

Eric didn't even turn to look at them, and continued to cough over the toilet. Making Maisy look even more horrified and bury her face into Beaus neck. Beau couldn't help but smile a little at her innocence–that throwing up scares her.  "It's okay Mais, he's just sick."

Miles made a face at Eric, then slowly grabbed the door and pulled it shut. "There, problem solved." Beau just ignored Miles and continued to rub small soothing circles into Maisys back.

"I don't wanna be sick!" Beaus lips pulled up into another small smile, even though he was trying to be a good big brother it was kinda funny. "Maisy, you're not sick, it's okay."

Eric has the stomach flu, and now that Maisys seen what happens when you have it, she's absolutely terrified of getting it.

They've all been trying to be careful, especially Cassidy, who works at a restaurant. She's been avoiding the apartment as much as she can, and when she's home she stays in her room.

It's been going around lately, even at the daycare. Which is why they're all certain Eric isn't going to be the only one in the house to get it.

•. •. •.


Beau opened his eyes to see Maisy sitting on his bed, with a tear stained face and hugging Teddy close to her pajamas. "What're you doing up it's only...6:30." Jeez. Beau stretched his arm out to set his phone back down on his nightstand, then sat up to wipe away the tears.

"What happened?"

"I don't feel berry good." Saying it out loud made her feel worse, and she clutched Teddy a little tighter.

Great. Beau leaned closer to her and felt her forehead, then groaned once he knew she had a fever.

"Delightful. Come on Mais, why don't we go grab some medicine from the-"

He stopped talking when he saw the fresh stream of tears rolling down her small rosy cheeks.

"Aw, Maisy you're okay. You'll be just fine." Beau picked her up, rubbing her back a couple times before getting up and going to the closet in the hallway. "...I don't think we have any kid medicine."

Maisy kept her head rested on Beaus shoulder, watching as he grabbed a very expired bottle to throw away. "Don't drink that, that is very old. Probably from when Eric was little."

Maisy whimpered at the sound of Eric's name, reminding her of the stuff that came out of his mouth the previous day. Yucky. The very thought made her pull Teddy close to her face to hide the tears.

Beau turned his head to look at her again, then  bounced when he saw her tears, his tone lighting up a little. "It's okay! Hey, does your tummy hurt?" Maisy shook her head, and tried to hold back her unreasonable tears.

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