Chapter twenty-eight: Kennedy Grace, and Maisy's ongoing fascination

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As promised, Cassidy did Maisy's hair the following morning. Maisy's hair isn't too difficult to manage, Maisy just can't seem to sit still enough for Cassidy to finish.

"Maisy, I can't make your hair pretty if you keep trying to play with Teddy." Maisy continued making Teddy dance, bouncing him around in her lap.

"But Teddy wants to dance."

Cassidy was trying to pull the last of her hair up, and smiled. "How about you wait until I'm done, then Teddy can dance."

Maisy sighed and set down Teddy, twisting her fingers as she waited for Cassidy to finish. "Alright, alllll done."

Maisy's hair was half down, the top was pulled into two small buns and braids leading up to them with small pink bows attached.

Maisy hopped down and looked at her hair in the floor length mirror on Cassidys wall. "I so pwetty!"

Cassidy glanced up at her as she grabbed an outfit out for her, she texted Kennedy last night, and that means a lunch meet up.

Beau had work again, Miles went to go see Amber before they probably just come back here. Eric's home though, but he said he'll just stay back.

•.                                       •.                                  •.

It was a nice day, so Cassidy dressed Maisy in a dress with a small floral pattern, and they walked up to the restaurant hand in hand.

Cassidy and Kennedy said they would meet up at Cassidys restaurant to catch up. The last time they had talked was about five years ago.

Before Cassidy gained ownership of a restaurant, before Darlene left, and before both of her parents passed.

"Can we get some gwapes again?" Maisy swung Cassidys hand, and held Teddy tightly in her other.

"That we can princess." Cassidy was kind of distracted, thinking about what they were going to talk about. She hadn't mentioned she was bringing Maisy either. Not that Kennedy knows who Maisy is.

The last time they talked, Darlene had just found out she was pregnant, before they knew if it was a boy or girl.

"Cassidy Rose?" Cassidys head turned at the sound of her name, and she smiled when she saw who said it.

The woman was wearing a long dress, but had something attached to the front of her body-a strange looking cloth sling. Maisy had no idea what it was, but shyly stayed near Cassidys legs as she took in the woman.

"Kennedy Grace? How the hell are you, I haven't seen you in...forever!" Maisy looked up and frowned at Cassidy.

"Hey! That's a bad word!"

Once Maisy spoke, Kennedy looked down, finally noticing the little girl that was standing beside her friend. "Did you have a kid?! Oh my god, did you get married?!"

Cassidy laughed, even though she didn't find it that funny. "No, this is Maisy, my...sister."

Kennedy smiled and leaned down slightly, giving a little wave. "Hi Maisy, I'm Kennedy."

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