Another extra

430 22 17

*Author's note*

I would like to inform that starting from this point of the story, I will be conducting my own story lines and arcs. 

Anyway, back to this chapter where Technoblade is featured. 

(cuz who doesn't like Technoblade?)

*Clay POV*

I woke up in a hospital bed. And quite frankly, it was nothing new to me. I've been on a hospital bed a numerous amount of times, it's to the point where I look at it like it's my own bed. 

"So you're finally awake, huh?" A croaky voice spoke, it was Technoblade. He had a cervical collar that covered his neck, a few bandages and a pig sticker specifically on his forehead for some reason. He was also holding a mannequin, but it was just the arm. 

"Uh... Technoblade? Where'd you get that?" I asked, signalling the fake arm in his hand. 

"Well, I snuck out of the hospital yesterday and stole it from UNIQLO™." Technoblade said proudly. 

"B-But how-" I asked. 

"Don't question it." Technoblade said, "Anyway, let's head over to a much more... serious conversation." 

I instantly knew what Technoblade meant by his statement alone. 

"Yeah... About that..." I muttered sheepishly. 

"What you and your friends did was dangerous, Clay. And what you did after crossed boundaries I didn't know existed. You could've lost your life like Vin-" Technoblade stopped talking for a while and had a look of guilt before resuming his lecture. 

"You can be expelled for something like that. Hell, I SHOULD expel you for doing something like that. I mean, what were you thinking!?" Technoblade continued. 

"...I know it was a rash and risky decision, but I at least wanted to be of help. I know the consequences very well and I'm more than ready to face them, you just have to say the words." I admitted. knowing darn well that there was no point in defending myself. 

Hearing my words, Technoblade sighed. I readied myself, knowing that I was going to be expelled from UA High. My newfound dream to become a hero has now come to an end. 

"Fine, you are hereby... placed under house arrest for the rest of the year." Technoblade said. 



"Wait hold on say that again?" I stammered, I must've misheard him. 

"You are placed under house arrest, for the rest of the year." Technoblade repeated. 

"But it's December-" 


"I- But why?" I asked. 

"Though it was risky, if you hadn't taken action... I may have lost more than one arm and Notch may have lost his life. You saved us, and I owe you one for that." Technoblade said. 

"...Thank you, Technoblade." I said. 

"Eh, it's no matter. I know you had good intentions." Technoblade replied. 

"Hey wait a second, what do you mean 'house arrest'?" I asked. 

"Oh right, no one told you yet. UA now has a dorm system to protect their students from outdoor threats. Herobrine may have be apprehended, but his band of nerds are still out there." Technoblade explained. 

"Good point." I remarked. 

"Now rest up, you nerd. You need to recover!" Technoblade declared. 

"Yes sir!" I yelled as I buried myself under my blanket and dozed off to sleep. 

*Third Person POV*


A figure wearing a black coloured hoodie with a disposable mask on quickly made his way through the streets and into a seemingly abandoned warehouse. There, he met up with 5 other figures who wore the same attire. 

The figures then removed their hoodies and masks, revealing themselves to be none other than Schlatt, Minx and three other villains that nobody knew about yet. 

"Master may have been captured, but not all is lost...." Schlatt said. 

"How so?" Minx asked. 

"Master left us very specific coordinates and orders to follow if he were to ever be caught or be killed." Schlatt said as he played an audio recording of Herobrine's voice. 

"How kind of master to do this." A villain exclaimed gratefully. 

"Indeed. And to express our gratitude, we will now operate through this audio recording and wreak havoc into this world." Schlatt said. 

"The reign of Herobrine is far from over..." 

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