Clay vs Golems

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*Third Person POV*

The two golems were dead silent as they made their way towards Clay, every step they took caused a small vibration to the ground. It was barely noticeable, unless you were in Clay's position. 

"I'm not sure how I can take on both of these things at the same time... I'll have to rely on my speed and take out one first!" Clay thought as he readied himself by activating 'Clutch' once more. 

Once he was ready, he sped over to the golem on the left and attempted to land a solid punch. However, the golem on the right caught on and stopped Clay by grabbing Clay while he was mid-air and slamming him onto the ground, the impact caused a crater to form underneath Clay. 

"WHAT THE FU-" Clay yelled before he got interrupted by the golem on the left, who picked him up and threw him away like a rag doll, causing Clay to land on the ground hard. It didn't look like much, but Clay felt as if he had just fell from a 2 storey high house. 

Took a bit of effort, but Clay managed to get up. His hero costume was a little ripped, with half of his mask magically gone. Regarding injuries, there were a few bruises here and there with a common full-body ache that Clay was all too familiar with. He realised that he was still in his 'Clutch' state, and he decided to make the best of it. 

Clay charged towards the two golems and slammed their heads right into each other, causing a few sparks to fly out. He then sent a barrage of punches towards one of the golems, causing it to stumble back a bit as a  large crack formed on it's chest. He was going to do the same to the other one when suddenly, he dropped out of his 'Clutch' form and fell onto his knees, gasping for air. 

He was extremely exhausted.

Noticing this, the golem on the right wasted no time and straight up charged towards Clay and tackled him with all its might while the other one managed to get behind and smack him back. Basically, the two golems were now playing a game of volleyball, with Clay as the ball. With each round, Clay got more injured. His costume started to rip itself apart while the other half of his mask somehow magically disappeared. 

"This is the end, huh...? What a shame..." Clay thought as he closed his eyes, ready for the inevitable. 

That's when suddenly, a swarm of bees and a bolt of lightning entered the alleyway. The bees surrounded one golem and attacked it as if it had destroyed their hive while the other one was zapped badly. Of course, the golems didn't take this too well as one immediately started to flail around to try to get the bees off while the other looked around to see where the attack came from. 

While the bees did their job, two individuals came over to Clay. It was Tubbo and Nikki!

"Oh my god, Clay! Are you alright?" Nikki asked. 

"Does he look okay to you?" Tubbo asked before Clay chuckled a bit. 

"Hey guys, when did you get here? And why are you dressed up as bananas?" Clay asked. 

"Uh oh, he's been hit around so much that's he's starting to become delusional! Good thing I have this!" Tubbo yelled a he pulled out a toy hammer. 

"What is that...?" Nikki asked in confusion. 

"It's a hammer, Nikki. I'm gonna use it to make Clay sane again." Tubbo said before he smacked Clay's head with his hammer, causing a 'bonk' sound. 

"Tubbo, I don't think that's how it works-" "AHGHAHA! WHAT THE FU-" 

"See? He's sane again!" Tubbo said. 

"Remind me to never question your ways ever again." Nikki said. 

"Guys, watch out for the golems... They're very powerful..." Clay said weakly. 

"Don't worry. As long as we attack from a distance, I'm sure we'll be fine." Nikki said as she pointed her finger towards one of the golems. 

With a surge of electricity surrounding her body, a small bolt of lightning was released from Nikki's fingertips. The bolt of lightning landed on the golem's chest, causing the golem to get electrocuted, which caused the crack in it's chest to crack up further. 

"Tubbo! Nikki! Look at that crack on that golem's chest, it has to be a weak point!" Clay yelled. 

"Right on it." Tubbo said before a bunch of bees came over and attacked the golem's chest. Specifically the part where the crack was. This caused the golem to crack up some more until it broke into a million pieces, leaving only one more left. 

Soon, Notch and a few other heroes arrived to the scene and took care of the last golem while Clay was immediately taken to the hospital. 

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