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*Third Person POV*

"Alright ladies and gentlemen! It's the moment you've been waiting for... The 1v1's!" The emcee announced as the crowd went wild. 

"The first match-up will be... Clay versus Darryl!" The other emcee announced as he pushed a button.

With a single press of a button, the battlefield changed from the one used for battlebox to a completely new one. The area was open and a perfect size, not too small and not too big. Overall, the perfect battleground for a tournament. 

"Will the first two contestants enter the battleground?" 

Clay and Darryl entered the battleground, nodding at each other as a way of acknowledgement as they stood on the opposite of each other. 

"Let's have a great match!" Darryl said. 

"You bet!" Clay replied. 

"Let the battle... begin!" The emcee announced. 

Immediately, Clay started charging towards Darryl. However, Darryl was quick to catch on and sent an energy projectile directly at Clay, throwing Clay off a little. 

"Got me good there!" Clay said. 

"Thank you." Darryl replied. 

"Just know that it won't happen again!" Clay said as he charged towards Darryl once again, albeit in a zig-zag pattern. 

"Oh shoot, it's a little hard to aim..." Darryl thought as Clay kept moving from place to place at a fast speed. 

"Ahhh forget it!" Darryl thought as he shot an energy blast at a random direction, obviously, it didn't hit Clay. But it gave Clay an opening to get closer. 

"And done!" Clay yelled as he sent an uppercut through Darryl's chin, knocking Darryl out of the battleground. 

"And the winner is... Clay!" The emcee announced. "Clay advances to the next round!" 

"Well done, Clay." Darryl said as he climbed back onto the battleground and patted Clay on the back. 

"Thanks, Darryl. You put up quite a fight too and I honestly had a pretty tough time trying to get shorten the distance." Clay replied. 

"I'm honoured I put up such a fight." Darryl said. 

The next round was Vincent versus George (Spifey). 

George (Spifey) tried to install a confusing hallucination into Vincent's mind, but it failed as Vincent had was a telepath, which automatically protected him from stuff like that. In the end, Vincent won. 

Next was Zak versus Nick. 

It was a very close one as both contestants were very powerful. However, in terms of durability, Zak had the edge, and it helped Zak get the win, albeit barely as he soon passed out alongside Nick. 

Finally, it was George vs Ant

George managed to alter Ant's vision, making Ant's movements stumble and reckless. George used this to his advantage and instantly knocked Ant out of the battleground, securing him the win. 

Now it was time for the semi finals. This time, Clay was up against Zak right after Vincent and George's match. This worried Clay a little as he did not know how to counter Zak's unbreakable diamond skin. 

"I might lose this one.... No, I need a strategy." Clay thought to himself. 

Meanwhile, Zak was pretty worried about his match up as well. 

"Clay is very smart, I'm sure he has a dozen strategies in his ways to take me out. I gotta be as unpredictable as ever." Zak thought. 

Vincent and George's match ended with Vincent as the victor, securing his spot in the finals. 

"Now... It's Clay versus Zak!" The emcee announced as Clay and Zak entered the battleground. Immediately once the battle started, Zak turned his entire body into hard, unbreakable diamond and charged towards Clay, catching Clay off guard. 

"What is Zak doing!? He knows very well that he can't hold that form for very long!" Clay thought as he was barely dodging Zak's attacks, despite being covered in diamond, Zak was still pretty agile. At one point, Clay even attempted to block one of Zak's attacks. But even with his superhuman strength, he couldn't. 

"I just need to get one hit in!" Zak thought as he threw a punch right on Clay, sending Clay flying. Luckily, Clay managed to catch himself right at the edge of the battleground. Standing up, Clay tightened his fist and took a battle stance, showing that he hasn't lost yet. 

"He's just standing at the edge of the battleground, I just need to charge towards him and knock him out! Simple as that!" Zak thought as he charged at full speed towards Clay. Once near Clay, Zak was about to throw a punch when suddenly, Clay leapt into the air and landed on top of Zak. Then, using Zak as a booster, he jumped back into the battleground while pushing Zak out, it worked. 

"And the winner is... Clay! Now onto the finals! It's Clay, the student with superhuman-like abilities versus Vincent, the powerful telepath! Who will emerge victorious? Find out after the break!" The emcee announced. 

Clay returned to his locker room to take a rest, he has used up a lot of energy while fighting Darryl and Zak. As he leaned against the wall while sitting, George came in through the door.

"Hello Clay!" George greeted. 

"Hi George." Clay replied. 

"Well done getting into the finals." George congratulated. 

"Thanks." Clay replied. 

"Oh by the way, since you're going up against Vincent, I can give you a little heads up." George said. 

"Oh, please do." Clay said. 

"First of all, Vincent is stronger than he looks. I failed to alter his vision so I tried physically stopping him. As you can tell, I failed as well as his telepathy restricted my movements before he mind-lifted me up and threw me out." George said. 

"God, the way you say it, it makes it seem impossible to beat him." Clay chuckled. 

"I didn't mean it like that. Anyway, I suggest you keep out of his line of eyesight. That way, he won't be able to use his telepathy on you." George said. 

"Thanks for the advice." Clay said. 

"May Clay and and Vincent come up to the battleground?" A hidden speaker in Clay's locker room beamed, startling the two. 

"Well, I guess I gotta go. Wish me luck!" Clay said. 

"You bet." George replied. 

As Clay was making his way to the battleground, he ran into Tommy. The two caught each other's eyes but didn't say anything until Tommy went up to Clay and pat him on the back. 

"Good luck out there." Tommy said before leaving. 

"Since when did he get this nice?" Clay thought before continuing his journey to the battleground. 

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