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*Clay POV*

"AGHAHHHH!" I yelled as I woke up. Where was I? Why was I on a bench?

"Ah, you've awoken." Notch said, in his hands were two bottles of water and a bag of chips.

"What happened?" I asked. 

"We sparred a little and you passed out, possibly by exhaustion. Anyway, drink up." Notch said as he tossed me a bottle of water, which I caught and immediately downed it in a gulp. 

"Just what I needed, thanks." I said. 

"No problem. Anyway, we're going patrolling a little later in the city. So eat this, you'll need the energy." Notch said as he handed me a bag of chips. 

"Thanks." I said. 

Time skip brought to you by Zak annoying the living daylights out of Daryl cuz they ran into each other....

"Alright, you ready to go?" Notch asked. 

"Yeah, ready as I'll ever be." I replied as I put up my hoodie and wore my white mask. 

"Alright, hold on tight." Notch said as he grabbed me by the head. 

"Wait what... NOT THIS AGAIN!" I yelled. Once again, I have been dragged by the head. 

Time skip once again brought to you by Ant being mistaken for a mascot while patrolling...

"We have arrived!" Notch said enthusiastically. 

"WILL YOU STOP DOING THAT!?" I yelled angrily. 

"Right, I keep forgetting that you hated that." Notch said sheepishly. 

"Yeah, no shit." I replied. 

"Sorry about that. Anyway, let's just patrol the area." Notch said as he pulled out a map from his pocket. 

"Where the heck did he get that?" I thought as I noticed not too long ago that Notch's hero costume had no pockets, unlike mine. 

"Hmmm..... My intuition tells me that this part of the map would be prone to illegal actions. I say we go and patrol that area!" Notch said as he pointed at a random part of his map. 

"Normally, I'd question your intuition. But since you're the No.1 Hero, I'll let it slide." I said. 

"Nice, let's get going." Notch said. 

We had a nice, casual walk to our destination with no dragging by the head. Frankly, it was quite a peaceful walk that really calmed the soul, with a small but cooling breeze.

"Right, we have arrived. We should be able to cover more ground if we split up. So, I'll go this way and you'll go that way." Notch said. 

"You sure letting me patrol alone would be a good idea?" I asked. 

"I have plenty of faith in you, Clay. To me, you can overcome anything that's been thrown at you." Notch said as he patted me on the back before heading over to another direction. 

"Welp, better not let him down." I thought as I went towards the direction that Notch asked me to. 

Unexpectedly, he was actually right. There were a handful of suspicious activity going on in this part of the city for some reason. For example, I ran into a mugger trying to mug an old lady behind a convenience store, which I easily stopped by disarming the mugger. 

I later stumbled upon a dull alleyway, which I stared at for quite a bit. I wonder why I was so drawn into it?

"There might be suspicious activity going on in there, I best take a look." I thought as I entered the alleyway. 

Fortunately, I was correct. There wasn't any suspicious activity going on in the alleyway. Heck, there wasn't even anyone here. Just an overloaded trash can, some graffiti on the wall, a few empty boxes lying here and there and a portal. 

Wait what. 

A PORTAL!?!?!?!

And it looked exactly like one of those portals that appeared during the USJ Attack. This made me a little worried as I put up a fighting stance, expecting something to come out of the portal. Whatever it was, I was dead-set on stopping it. 

Suddenly, a guy hopped out of the portal. As I took a closer look, I realised that it was the same guy who attacked the USJ, I overheard that his name was Schlatt. What was he doing here?

"Oh, it's you. The green smiley boi." Schlatt said. 

"It's yo- Wait a second, what did you just call me?" I asked. 

"Uhh... Green smiley boi?" 

"... You couldn't have came up with a better name for me?"

"Sadly not." 

"Anyway, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"That... I cannot tell you. Now, you have two options. One, leave and pretend this conversation never existed or two, die." Schlatt threatened as he cracked his fists. 

"No one is dying tonight, bring it." I said. 

Upon hearing this, Schlatt instantly charged towards me and attempted to land a blow. But thanks to my training, I was able to easily keep up with his movements and blocked all his attacks, though with a little bit of struggle. 

"Actually, running into you is actually perfect!" Schlatt said. 

"What!? Why?" I asked. 

"Capturing one of UA's brats, specifically one from class 1A is my main priority currently." Schlatt said. 

"Huh? What does he want with my classmates and I?" I thought as I accidentally let my guard down for a bit. 

This gave Schlatt an opportunity to land a powerful blow to my chest, which he attempted. Luckily, I caught on to what he was doing and dodged. I didn't manage to dodge successfully though as Schlatt's attack that was meant for my chest landed on my shoulder. 

"Close one there." Schlatt said. 

"Yeah? Well, that's the only attack you'll land in this fight." I said as I focused my mind and clenched my fists, trying to bring out 'Clutch'. It took a little bit, but I managed to access it once again. 

"Hmm? What's this? You seem different from before... What are you doing?" Schlatt asked. 

I didn't reply. 

"I said... What are you doing?" Schlatt asked, this time in a more annoyed tone. 

Once again, I didn't reply. 

"That's it. You're pissing me off." Schlatt said angrily as he charged towards me, trying to land a punch. 

I caught his fist with relative ease. And to add insult to injury, I twisted Schlatt's arm. 

"What the *Darryl has censored this word* are you doing you *Darryl has censored this word* piece of *Darryl has censored this word*!?" Schlatt yelled angrily as he struggled to free his hand. 

"As Darryl once said... Language." I said before punching Schlatt in the gut and throwing him deep into the alleyway, making him crash into a wall. 

"Tch..." Schlatt scoffed before two portals opened.

From each portal came out a large creature made out of pure, hard iron. It's face had a large, black nose with two red eyes that screamed 'destroy'. Honestly, it looked extremely intimidating. 

"Golems, *Darryl has censored this word* him up. Cripple him if you have to, just don't kill him." Schlatt ordered as a third portal opened up in front of him, which he entered hastily. 

Now, it was just me and the two huge golems made of iron. 

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