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*Third Person POV*

Clay entered the battle ring, feeling nervous. He knew it was going to be tough to beat Vincent with his telepathy. He was suddenly reminded of how overpowered psychic Pokemon were in the first Pokemon games. 

Slapping his cheeks gently, he readies himself mentally and physically. Clay took a fighting stance as Vincent came onto the ring, looking like his usual self. 

"It's an honour, Clay." Vincent said. 

"Likewise." Clay replied as the emcee announced that the battle would begin in 5






Immediately, Clay started moving around the ring as fast as he could to avoid Vincent's eyesight. He knew that once Vincent laid eyes on him, he would lose. 

"Dang, he's fast. I can barely keep up!" Vincent thought to himself as he kept trying to catch Clay with his eyesight, but Clay just wouldn't stand still for even a second. 

"I can't keep dodging, I need to shorten the distance and land an attack!" Clay thought as he approached Vincent in a zig zag pattern, kind of like a Zigzagoon. 

"Hmm, if I can't catch him... I might as well throw him off guard!" Vincent thought as he levitated a bunch of random pebbles lying around the ring and sent them directly at Clay. 

Some of the pebbles hit Clay on the legs, arms and chest area while the others missed, albeit barely as Clay was a very agile. Although throwing pebbles at Clay didn't do as much damage as expected, it did succeed in the criteria Vincent was aiming for, which was catching Clay off guard. 

"Got him!" Vincent yelled as he looked directly at Clay intensely as Clay's movements suddenly stopped. Clay tried to fight and wiggle his way out of Vincent's control, but Vincent's telepathy proved superior over Clay's strength.  

"You were close." Vincent said before he sent Clay flying out of the ring at will. 

"No no no, this can't be it!" Clay mentally yelled as he continued on trying to fight his way out. 

He then thought of a solution. 

The adrenaline rush 

Clay focused his mind, clenching his fists as he closed his eyes. His veins started popping and his blood boiled. He has once again managed to bring out his odd sense of adrenaline. With one outburst, Clay somehow managed to free himself from Vincent's telepathy. 

Everyone was shocked, except for Technoblade and Notch. Technoblade didn't really care and felt that this situation was a little cliché while Notch was intrigued, almost ecstatic. It was like he had found what he was looking for all his life. 

"So it was Clay... Interesting." Notch whispered. 

"Eh, it was pretty cliché to me." Technoblade replied to Notch. 

"How did you hear me? I was pretty sure my whispering was pretty silent." Notch said. 

"Technoblade sees and hears all, he fears no man. Except 8 year old girls, those darned demon spawns." Technoblade said as he shivered in fear. 

"Odd fear for someone like you." Notch commented. 

"I'm not proud of it." Technoblade replied. 

Meanwhile, Vincent was absolutely shocked. He was dumbfounded and had a face that read 'I just got bamboozled'. How did Clay manage to break free from his telepathy? And why are his veins popped out like that, they look pretty weird. Either way, he kept his guard up. 

Without saying anything, Clay charged towards Vincent at full speed. This caught Vincent off even if he had his guard up, he used his telepathy to send every pebble on the floor directly at Clay, hoping it would catch Clay off guard or at least slow him down, but it was ineffective. Clay was destroying everything Vincent threw at him while maintaining his current speed. 

It didn't take long for Clay to shorten the distance between him and Vincent and with one gut punch, Vincent was sent flying off the ring and crashing onto the ground. This secured Clay's qualification as the UA student who got first place in the UA Sports Festival, with Vincent being the runner up. 

Knowing that the battle was over, Clay let go of his feeling of adrenaline and fell onto his back, completely exhausted. He panted heavily and was sweating from head to toe, his knuckles were slightly bruised from punching pebbles and clothes were slightly ripped. 

"AND THE WINNER IS... CLAY!" The emcee yelled as the crowd went wild. In the back, Notch nodded to himself happily. 

"I've found him, old friend." 

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