More training, but this time Jerome and Vik are here

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*Third Person POV*

The sun had just risen as the midnight rain had just stopped, the birds sang as the land was once again touched by the golden light of the sun. Because of yesterday's events, everyone didn't pay attention as they were still fast asleep. 

Clay woke up 5 minutes later, letting out a yawn and rubbing his eyes. He looked around to see his tent mates, Gogy and Nick were still sound asleep. Nick was even snoring a little. 

"Ah whatever, just 5 more minutes." Clay thought as he went back to bed. 

Little did he know, this was a bad idea. 

Suddenly, Technoblade arrived at the 3 boy's tent and pulled out a megaphone out of his pocket. With one breath, he yelled into the megaphone, waking up the 3 boys instantly. 

"HOLY- WHAT THE HECK!?!?!" Nick yelled.


"DID WE OVERSLEEP!? ARE WE LATE!?" Gogy panicked.

"Oh, not at all. You're actually the first three seemingly awake." Technoblade said. 


"I have yet to wake up the other nerds." Technoblade said before leaving. 

"I think we just got trolled." Nick said. 

Eventually, everyone was woken up the same way that Clay, Gogy and Nick were, and they were NOT happy. But alas, there was nothing they could do but get ready for another day of torturous training. 

"Mornin' to you all, hope you slept well!" Mitch said cheerfully. 

"We would have if Technoblade never happened." Everyone replied. 

"Okay... Anyway, we have Jerome and Vik with us for training today!" Mitch continued. 

"Alright, so we're gonna do a different type of training today. This time, you have to steal these tiny little bells from Vik and I." Jerome explained as he showcased a silver bell. 

"We'll both be holding one each while being in two different locations. Your job is to work together and claim both bells before lunch." Vik further explained. 

"Sounds fun. When do we start?" Tommy asked. 

"Right about.... Now." Jerome said as he suddenly grew noticeably bigger. 

"Well, see ya." Vik said before disappearing, leaving behind a cloud of smoke. 

"Guys! Split up, some of us stay and fend off against Jerome while the rest go after Vik!" Wilbur yelled. He's really getting better at the 'class rep' role. 

Eventually, Rose, Vurb, Gogy, Nikki, Darryl, Vincent, Ant and Tubbo all went after Vik while Harvey, George, Wilbur, Clay, Zak, Astelic, Nick and Tommy all stayed behind and faced off against Jerome. 

*Clay POV*

"Okay... Figuring these guy's quirks weren't as hard as I thought... However, trying to fight them is a different story." I thought. 

"Clay, do you have a plan?" Wilbur asked. 

"No, not yet. In the meantime, let's see what Jerome can do!" I replied.

"Well think of one!" Wilbur yelled. 

"Okay okay, I'm gonna!" I replied before charging towards Jerome

As I closed in, I leapt into the air and attempted to drop kick Jerome. It was a terrible idea as Jerome, with his superhuman strength being superior to mine, caught my leg and swung me away. And to add insult to injury, I crashed onto Wilbur. 

"Okay I see the problem now. A strategy is needed." I said. 

"Oh DO YA!?" Wilbur asked. 

"Yeah, my bad. Anyway, what can we do to steal the bell of the beast?" I asked. 

"We could try a distraction, maybe some of us get it's attention while the others try and steal the bell." Wilbur suggested. 

"Good plan!" I said. 

"Alright guys, listen up. Tommy, fly up high into the air and get some momentum, only crash into Jerome when I give you the signal! Zak, Astelic, Wilbur, Nick, you guys will help me distract Jerome by throwing everything we got at him. Harvey, you act as support if one of us get injured.  Finally, George. While Jerome's being distracted, you try to steal the bell off him." I said. 

"Sounds like a plan!" Wilbur said as he, Astelic, Zak and Nick all went on ahead and faced Jerome, with me being close behind. 

"TAKE THIS!" Nick yelled as he sent a huge blast of fire towards Jerome. It did damage Jerome, but not by much. In fact, it only left a tiny little burn on his skin or fur. 

Wilbur then screamed at the top of his lungs, sending a bunch of powerful shockwaves towards Jerome that successfully pushed him back. While that was being done, George silently snuck behind Jerome and managed to retrieve the bell. 

"I GOT IT!" George yelled. 

This caught Jerome's attention as he charged straight towards George to try and take back the bell. However, Astelic and I protected George and attacking Jerome together. 

"TOMMY NOW!" I yelled as Tommy fell right from the sky, tackling Jerome as he reverted back to his original size. 

We just won. 


*Gogy POV*

"Argh, facing Vik is so difficult!" I thought as I tried to keep up with Vik. However, his teleportation quirk really isn't making it easy for me. 

"Gogy, we can't just continue being like this!" Darryl pointed out. 

"Yeah, but it's not like we can just think of a plan just like that! Only Clay can do that! And also, who knows how effective it'd be?" I said. 

"Hmmm, that's true..." Darryl grumbled. 

"Guys, I've noticed something about Vik's movements!" Tubbo said. 

"Really? What?" I asked. 

"Vik's movements aren't completely random. In fact, they are actually very coordinated. Watch!" Tubbo said as Vik first teleported to the left side, then to the right, then to the front and then the back, and then it repeats. 

"Interesting, we could use this!" Darryl said. 

"Vincent! I'm gonna need you to face your right side. When I say go, use your telepathic powers to restrict movements!" I said. 

"You got it." Vincent replied. 

"Ant, you standby near Vincent and be ready to steal a bell." I said as Ant replied with a thumbs up. 

"The rest of us, keep doing what we're currently doing!" I yelled. 

As we all constantly tried to attack Vik, he would effortlessly dodge by teleporting around. What he thinks is we're trying to land a hit on him, but instead, we're trying to get him to where Vincent and Ant are. 

Soon, Vik teleported to the right. 

"VINCENT NOW!" I yelled as Vincent obliged. 

He managed to restrict Vik's movements, but only for a while. However, it was enough time for Ant to hop in and steal the bell, which gave us the win. 

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